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  • Industry Partnership Giving To VTC VTC Student Development Foundation

    VTC Student Development Foundation

    VTC Student Development Foundation was established in 2012 to launch and support various educational programmes through donations raised, with the objective of nurturing student excellence. To help students broaden their horizons and learn cultural diversity, the Foundation has, to date, supported the participation of nearly 10,000 students in over 500 overseas exchange programmes.

    VTC Student Development Foundation - Your Support Their Future

    The future of Hong Kong lies with young people.  At the VTC, our top priority is to nurture our students, not only professionally but also holistically.  Your support will finance enriched initiatives that unleash the potentials of students and equip them to well serve our industries, thereby building a better future for Hong Kong.  

    With an unswerving commitment to nurture students from grassroot families, you are changing these young people's lives, enabling them to make a difference to the society.

    We sincerely appeal to you to support our students.

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