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  • Industry Partnership Giving To VTC VTC Student Development Foundation Summer course of Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia

    Summer course of Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia

    • SDF-18

    • SDF-19

    Tallinn, Estonia is one of the world’s most advanced smart cities where technology applications are prevalent, such as the use of food-delivery robots and driverless buses on trial runs. Inspired by his exchange experience there, Clement Yu, a Higher Diploma in Software Engineering student, said: “I believe innovation is indispensable to the development of smart cities.  We must think out of the box and look at things from a fresh perspective to acquire an innovative mindset, instead of repeating what we did in the past.” Upon his return from Tallinn, Clement and his classmates have started researching on how to develop more Internet of Things (IOT)-related applications with the use of robots and mini-computers, to make life more efficient.”