Quality Assurance
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I know whether a programme is accredited by the HKCAAVQ?
Programmes accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) are listed on the Hong Kong Qualifications Register (QR). You may refer to the QR website http://www.hkqr.gov.hk for relevant information.How does the VTC develop programmes that are industry-relevant?
VTC will collect advice from its advisory boards and committees, professional bodies and different stakeholders for programme review and development. We also conduct survey on employers’ views on our graduates’ performance regularly to gauge industry expectations.In general, what kind of external representatives are included in the advisory boards and committees of the VTC?
Depending on the terms of reference of the advisory boards or committees, external representatives would be suitably included. Examples of which include senior officials of relevant government bureaux and departments; representatives of public bodies, trades, professional bodies and other education institutes.How does the VTC equip teaching staff with relevant professional knowledge and skills?
The VTC encourages and supports staff development through a range of training courses, seminars, conferences and industrial attachments programmes, with a view to maintain the professional standard of the teaching team.