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  • Industry Partnership Giving To VTC VTC Student Development Foundation Exploring Kazakhstan on a “Belt and Road”- themed trip

    Exploring Kazakhstan on a “Belt and Road”- themed trip

    • SDF-4

    • SDF-5

    • SDF-6

    Diploma of Vocational Education (Business) student Wilton Hui travelled to Kazakhstan on an exchange tour. While there, he paid visits to the local companies and universities. The experience has furthered his interest in the “Belt and Road” development concept. “Kazakhstan counts on petroleum exports as an integral part of its pillar industry. In recent years, the government has tried diversifying into light industry and the tourism business to lessen its reliance on petroleum. China’s “Belt and Road” initiative provides trade-related collaboration opportunities for countries along the route. For young people like us, it opens the door to developing our trading and business ties with these countries.” The Kazakhstan trip not only enriched Wilton’s exposure but also turned out to be an eye-opener for him.  He cited a line from the famous movie Roman Holiday to summarise his experience: “I will cherish my visit here in memory as long as I live!”