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    Design & Environment


    Name: LAU Chi-kin, Eddie
    Position: Senior Lecturer,
    Department of Communication Design,
    Hong Kong Design Institute

    Acting Head,
    Centre for Communication Design (CCD),
    HKDI Knowledge Centres,
    Hong Kong Design Institute
    Tel: 3928 2755
    Fax: 3928 2945
    Email: eddielau@vtc.edu.hk
    Language Spoken: English and Cantonese
    Field of Expertise:
    Advertising strategy, Marketing and user experience research, Advertising creative, Art direction, Copywriting, Advertising production

    Membership of Professional Bodies:

    • Member, The One Club for Creativity

    Name: LAU Ho-wai, Justin
    Position: Assistant Professor,
    Department of Design and Architecture,
    Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
    Tel: 3890 8374   
    Email: justinlau@thei.edu.hk
    Language Spoken: English and Cantonese
    Field of Expertise: 
    Creative and design thinking, Advertising creative and strategy, Art direction, Design entrepreneurship, Marketing and user experience research, Advertising production, Strategic brand management

    Membership of Professional Bodies:

    • Full Member, Hong Kong Designers Association
    • Certified Professional, Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010
    • Member, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers