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    VTC programmes open for online application starting 9 November, with new programmes meeting market needs and providing diversified admission routes

    Latest updated 07 Nov 2023
    • AY24 25 VTC Admission Image 1

      VTC Senior Assistant Executive Director, Raymond KWOK (right) and Principal of the Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology, Dr John HUI (left), introduce VTC’s diverse programme offerings and learning opportunities tailored for Secondary 6 students in Academic Year 2024/25.

    • AY24 25 VTC Admission Image 2

      VTC Senior Assistant Executive Director, Raymond KWOK (right) and Principal of the Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology, Dr John HUI (left), introduce VTC’s diverse programme offerings and learning opportunities tailored for Secondary 6 students in Academic Year 2024/25.

    The Vocational Training Council (VTC) will offer an extensive range of full-time Degree, Higher Diploma, Diploma of Foundation Studies (DFS), Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) and Diploma programmes in Academic Year 2024/25. Tailored for Secondary 6 students, the programmes are open for applications from this Thursday (9 November) to 29 February 2024. 

    To highlight further the characteristics and advantages of Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET), the VTC actively recruits students from diverse backgrounds and optimises admission arrangements for the Higher Diploma programmes. This includes providing flexible admission criteria for students who have made outstanding achievements in non-academic areas such as innovative technology, music, sports, design, engineering and the culinary arts, thereby opening up more admission opportunities for young people and encouraging them to unleash their potential.

    VTC member institutions including the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) and the International Culinary Institute (ICI) will offer over 90 Higher Diploma programmes. Keeping abreast of the pulse of society and industry development, VTC has established the Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) to address the pressing industry demand for digital skills. Offering information technology (IT) and related programmes for students, working adults and industry practitioners, the institute strives to nurture skilled and professional  IT talent to strengthen Hong Kong’s competitive advantage in this field. 

    The HKIIT programme offerings will cover existing industry skills demands as well as emerging areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity, Blockchain Technology, Data Science, Web 3.0, the Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics Applications, Automotive Intelligence Technology and more. These programmes will equip students with the future-ready skills needed to excel in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Subject to the approval of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), the relevant IT and technology programmes currently offered by IVE will be transitioned to HKIIT starting from Academic Year 2024/25.

    As daily life becomes ever more inseparable from technology and digitisation, data usage strikes deeper into such fields as infrastructure, public health, business operations and creative media. To meet this growing demand, a Higher Diploma in Data Science and AI programme will be offered in the upcoming academic year, as well as a Higher Diploma in Computer and Data Engineering programme. The former will provide comprehensive integration of the latest data management practices and their application across different industries, combining it with IT knowledge and application of AI. It will help students master the skills of data management, visualisation and analysis, enabling them to assist businesses in using data effectively to create commercial value. 

    With the advent of the IoT and cloud computing, many engineering companies are using multiple smart devices to collect data and store it in the cloud to facilitate monitoring and optimisation of their work. The Higher Diploma in Computer and Data Engineering programme is aimed at providing students with wide-ranging skills from data harvesting with smart devices to data transformation and storage, data analysis and presentation for engineering applications. This will greatly help local industries achieve automation and digital transformation. 

    Today’s rapid social and technological advancements have led to new professions and business opportunities emerging across various industries, creating a demand for talent with new skills and professional knowledge. IVE will provide a number of new programmes in the upcoming academic year, including a Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Wellness programme, which covers pet store operations, pet food nutrition and other topics to cater to the growing pet market. Additionally, with recent curriculum guidelines reaffirming the importance of learning through play and ‘edutainment’ in early childhood education, the new Higher Diploma in Play-based Learning programme will nurture educational practitioners who can guide children to learn basic knowledge through games, encourage them to actively explore, and inspire them to fulfil their full potential.

    VTC member institutions including IVE, Youth College and the Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI), Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI) and ICI will also provide more than 30 diploma programmes, including DFS, DVE and Diploma programmes. These provide seamless and flexible progression pathways for students and equip them with the requisite knowledge and skills to pave the way for future success in their studies and career. (General entrance requirements for respective programmes are listed at Annex 1)

    The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) will offer a range of applied science-oriented degree programmes including self-financing programmes and programmes under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) of the HKSAR Government. (Remark 1)

    Students are invited to submit applications through the VTC S6 Admissions Portal (www.vtc.edu.hk/admission) for programmes of the various VTC member institutions (Annex 2). Programme choices should be specified when making applications. 

    To help Secondary 6 students plan well for their future pathways, students who submit their applications on or before 29 February 2024 may receive conditional programme offers in or around late March 2024, so that they can focus on preparing for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) with peace of mind.

    Established in 1982, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. The mission of VTC is to provide a valued choice to school leavers and working people to acquire the values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability, and also to provide support to industries for their manpower development. VTC has 14 member institutions, namely the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi)the Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge (PEAK)the School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE)the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), the Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT),  the Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI),  the Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI)the International Culinary Institute (ICI)the Maritime Services Training Institute (MSTI)Youth CollegePro-Act by VTCthe Integrated Vocational Development Centre (IVDC) and the Shine Skills Centre.

    Website: www.vtc.edu.hk

    Remark 1: Students must apply for SSSDP programmes through the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS).

    Media Enquiry: 2836 1971 / 2836 1094

    Annex 1: VTC Programmes for Secondary 6 Students


    General Entrance Requirements


    Degree programmes



       Level 3 or above in the following subjects:

    ► Chinese Language

    ► English Language


    Level 2 or above in the following subjects:

    ► Mathematics

    ► One Elective Subject


    "Attained" in the following subject:

    ► Citizenship and Social Development



    Higher Diploma programmes



    ► Five subjects at Level 2 or above, including Chinese Language and English Language

    * The result of "Attained" in the Citizenship and Social Development subject will be accepted as meeting one of the five Level 2 requirements when submitting applications


    Diploma of Foundation Studies programmes

    • Completion of Secondary 6

    Youth College

    Diploma of Vocational Education programmes

    • Completion of Secondary 6


    Diploma programmes

    • Completion of Secondary 6

    Annex 2: Application Period and Enquiries

    Application Period:

    9 November 2023 to 29 February 2024

    Admissions Office Hotline:

    2897 6111

    Admissions Website:
