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    VTC and Department of Education of Guangdong Province sign memorandum of understanding to strengthen and implement vocational education exchange and collaboration in GBA

    Latest updated 24 Aug 2023
    • VTC and Department of Education of Guangdong Province sign memorandum Image 1

      Under the witness of Mr CHAN Kwok-ki, Chief Secretary for Administration (back row, centre), and Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education of the Hong Kong SAR Government (back row, right); and Dr ZHU Kong-jun, Director-General of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province (back row, left), Mr Tony TAI, Chairman of VTC (front row, right), and Dr ZHU Chao-hua, First-level Inspector of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province (front row, left), signed a memorandum of understanding on behalf of VTC and the Department of Education of Guangdong Province respectively

    • VTC and Department of Education of Guangdong Province sign memorandum Image 2

      Representatives from VTC, the Hong Kong SAR Government, and Department of Education of Guangdong Province met at the Central Government Complex of HKSAR

    • VTC and Department of Education of Guangdong Province sign memorandum Image 3

      The delegations from Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government and Department of Education of Guangdong Province visited the Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI), a member institution of the VTC

    In order to implement the "Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area," to promote comprehensive cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland in vocational and professional education and training, and nurture talents needed for national development, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) and Department of Education of Guangdong Province signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on 24 August (Thursday). The MoU aims to establish a closer partnership, harness the unique capabilities of both Guangdong and Hong Kong, and further enhance the exchange and cooperation of vocational education in the Greater Bay Area (GBA).

    Under the joint witness of Mr CHAN Kwok-ki, Chief Secretary for Administration, and Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education of the Hong Kong SAR Government; and Dr ZHU Kong-jun, Director-General of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province, the MoU was signed by Mr Tony TAI, Chairman of VTC, and Dr ZHU Chao-hua, First-level Inspector of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province.

    The MoU signed by the VTC and Department of Education of Guangdong Province covers several areas including both parties will provide support and assistance to vocational schools in Guangdong and VTC through various cooperative projects; VTC will actively participate in the development activities of GBA Vocational Education Park; VTC will support eligible students from Guangdong Province to enroll in VTC’s Higher Diploma and undergraduate programmes, cultivating skilled talent for the GBA; Department of Education of Guangdong Province will support VTC’s first operation centre in the Mainland, Vocational and Professional Education Services (Shenzhen) Company Limited, to enhance its promotion of and information dissemination on Guangdong-Hong Kong vocational education amongst Guangdong students; Department of Education of Guangdong Province will support and provide guidance to VTC in organising “GBA Explorer Trip” programme to enrich VTC’ students understanding of GBA’s development; and both parties will organise exchange programmes for teaching staff to promote vocational training in the GBA.

    After the signing ceremony, representatives of the Education Bureau of Hong Kong SAR Government and Department of Education of Guangdong Province visited the Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI), a member institution of the VTC, to understand its latest development in training culinary and catering industry talents.

    Established in 1982, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. The mission of VTC is to provide a valued choice to school leavers and working people to acquire the values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability, and also to provide support to industries for their manpower development. VTC has 13 member institutions, namely the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi)the Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge (PEAK)the School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE)the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)the Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI),  the Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI)the International Culinary Institute (ICI)the Maritime Services Training Institute (MSTI)Youth CollegePro-Act by VTCthe Integrated Vocational Development Centre (IVDC) and the Shine Skills Centre.

    Website: www.vtc.edu.hk


    Media Enquiries: 2836 1869