Honorary Fellowships
Mr YEUNG Koon-yat, BBS, MH
Founder and Master Chef, Forum Restaurant and “Ah Yat Abalone"
*Extract from Order of Ceremony 2014- Mr YEUNG Koon-yat, BBS, MH was conferred the VTC Honorary Fellowship by Chairman of Education Commission Dr Moses CHENG Mo-chi, GBS, OBE, JP at Graduation Ceremony 2014
Mr YEUNG Koon-yat is an internationally acclaimed restaurateur. He is the founder and Master Chef of the Forum Restaurant, and is President of the Association of Restaurant Managers.
Widely known as the “Abalone King”, Mr Yeung is an expert in abalone dishes and possesses more than 60 years of experience in Chinese cuisine. He has won numerous international awards, including the Club des Chefs des Chefs (CCC) Gold Award in 1996 and was the first chef to obtain the highest honour of CCC in 2009. He was also awarded the “Star of Excellence” from La Chaine des Rotisseurs, “One of the Top Eight Chefs in the World”, “Acedemie Culinaire de France” in France and Honorary Chinese Cuisine Euro Toques President of Asia. He was also awarded the Knight of the order of the Agriculture Merite, Chevalier De L'ordre Du Merite Agricole, and “Grand Lifetime Achievement Award” by the China Hotel Association. Mr Yeung is enthusiastic in enhancing industry standards and encouraging youngsters to pursue their careers in Chinese cuisine.
Mr Yeung was a former member of the VTC Chinese Cuisine Training Institute Training Board and has provided invaluable advice to VTC in the development of quality curricula in catering-related courses and the promotion of Chinese catering courses. Mr Yeung is very supportive of VTC and has made tireless efforts to help promote the VTC in the provision of catering related in-service training programmes. Since 2005, Mr Yeung has been awarded as the Honorary Advisor of VTC to help strengthen the involvement of industries in VTC’s programmes, enhance the visibility of our industry networks and publicise industry’s endorsement of VTC’s services and quality of our graduates.