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  • Industry Partnership Honorary Fellowships Mr Stanley HUI Hon-chung, JP

    Honorary Fellowships

    Mr Stanley HUI Hon-chung, JP

    Chief Executive Officer, Airport Authority Hong Kong
    Chairman, Hong Kong-Zhuhai Airport Management Company Limited

    *Extract from Order of Ceremony 2013
    detail page-Stanley HUI Hon-chung
    Mr Stanley HUI Hon-chung was conferred the VTC Honorary Fellowship by then Secretary for Labour and Welfare Mr Matthew CHEUNG, GBS, JP at Graduation Ceremony 2013

    Mr Stanley HUI has been a leading figure in aviation industry for the past 30 years. He began his career in 1975 and has held key positions in Cathay Pacific Airways. He was Chief Executive Officer of Dragonair, Chief Operating Officer of AHK Air Hong Kong and Chief Representative of John Swire & Sons (China) in Beijing. He has been closely involved in the development of air services between Hong Kong and Mainland China, an experience that carries through to his current capacity as Chief Executive Officer of the Airport Authority Hong Kong since 2007.

    Mr Hui was a Council member of the VTC from 2005 to 2011, during which he also served as Member of the Administration Committee and Standing Committee. He was also a member of the VTC Enterprises Limited from 2006 to 2011. He has been Chairman of Chinese Cuisine Training Institute Training Board since 2007. He has also rendered valuable support and advice to course programming in the Hospitality and Tourism Studies Discipline of IVE. Mr Hui has become a member of the Steering Committee of International Culinary Institute since 2011.

    Mr Hui is also active in serving the community. He is a member of the Hong Kong SAR Government’s Aviation Development Advisory Committee, member of General Committee of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. Mr Hui is a member of the Twelfth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, member of the Fifth Shenzhen Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultation Conference and member of Advisory Committee on the Internationalization of Shenzhen.

    Mr Hui has been a Justice of the Peace since July 2006.