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  • Industry Partnership Honorary Fellowships Mr Herman HUI Chung-shing, GBS, MH, JP

    Honorary Fellowships

    Mr Herman HUI Chung-shing, GBS, MH, JP

    Director, Glorious Sun Enterprises Limited
    Consultant Solicitor, Wong Hui & Co., Solicitors

    *Extract from Order of Ceremony 2010
    detail page-Herman HUI Chung-shing
    Mr Herman HUI Chung-shing was conferred the VTC Honorary Fellowship by then Chief Secretary for Administration Mr Henry TANG, GBM, GBS, JP at Graduation Ceremony 2010

    Mr Herman HUI Chung-shing is the Director of Glorious Sun Enterprises Limited and Consultant Solicitor of Wong Hui & Co., Solicitors. Apart from his business and legal practice, Mr Hui serves as a volunteer in various government boards, committees and community services, especially in the social welfare sector.

    A keen supporter of vocational rehabilitation for people with disabilities, Mr Hui is the Chairman of the Labour and Welfare Bureau’s Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, Chairman of its Employment Sub-committee and a member of Social Welfare Advisory Committee. He is also the Chairman of the Committee on Community Support for Rehabilitated Offenders – Correctional Services Department. Mr Hui has participated actively in the development of social enterprises in Hong Kong and has offered valuable advice to the development of social services. He is the Chairman of Lump Sum Grant Independent Complaint Handling Committee and Member of the Disciplinary Committee of the Social Workers Registration Board.

    With his reputable status and extensive network, Mr Hui is pivotal in elevating the status of VTC’s vocational training for people with disabilities and strengthening its network with industry stakeholders and rehabilitation sectors. Devoted to promoting vocational training and development in this area, he has taken up the Chairmanship of the Committee on Vocational Training for People with Disabilities since 2007. By his proactive and leading role, he has made significant contributions to the strategic development of Shine Skills Centre.

    Mr Hui was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star in 2009 and the Medal of Honour by the Government of the Hong Kong SAR in 2000 for his remarkable contributions. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in 2004.