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  • Industry Partnership Honorary Fellowships Mr Christopher TSE Hung-keung

    Honorary Fellowships

    Mr Christopher TSE Hung-keung

    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Musical International Holdings Limited

    *Extract from Order of Ceremony 2021
    detail page Mr Christopher TSE Hung-keung
    Mr Christopher TSE Hung-keung was conferred the VTC Honorary Fellowship by then Secretary for Development, Mr Michael WONG Wai-lun, JP

    A renowned leader in the electronics industry, Mr Christopher TSE Hung-keung is very supportive to the promotion of electronics industry and has served in various leading positions in trade associations. He is the Honorary Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Electronics Industry Council (Group 5 of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries), the Chairman of the Hong Kong Opto-Mechatronics Industries Association, the Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Innovation Technologies and Manufacturing Industries Association, an Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association and the Honorary Advisor of the Hong Kong Critical Components Manufacturers Association. He is the Honorary Citizen of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. He also serves as a Member of the Qingyuan Committee of the 6th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

    As an enthusiastic and devoted promoter of manpower training and development, Mr Tse has been very active in advancing industry initiatives. He has spoken on the future of 5th Generation (5G) mobile connectivity at the “Tech Trends Symposium 2020”, organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and served as the Editor of the “Advancement of Hong Kong Electronics Industry – Looking Back and Forward”, a book compiled by the Hong Kong Electronics Industry Council.

    Mr Tse has served in the VTC’s Electronics and Telecommunications Training Board as a Member since 2011, the Vice-Chairman from 2014 to 2017 and the Chairman since 2019. He was also a Member of the Training Boards’ Working Party on Manpower Survey and the Convenor of the Working Party on Technical Seminar. Mr Tse also served as a Member of the Engineering Discipline Advisory Board of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education. In 2016, his company matched a donation to the Innovation and Technology Fund to support the Engineering Discipline of VTC, pioneering a project to enhance the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s disease in elderly people.