Awardee Sharing Session for Mr. K. S. Cheng Memorial Scholarship
29 Mar 2021
Awardee Sharing Session for Mr K S Cheng Memorial Scholarship was successfully held on March 29, 2021 at the Innovation and Technology Co-creation Centre in IVE(Morrison Hill). During the event, awardees eagerly shared their journey of reaching their self-set learning goals and the invaluable motivation and encouragement gained through their achievements. Unfortunately, due to the social distancing measures, some of the awardees were arranged to share their learning experience via a pre-recorded video. Having heard all the incredible stories that brought up happy tears, all the awardees expressed their heartfelt appreciation and deepest gratitude to the sponsor - Ms Vina Cheng (Left 6), with a round of thundering applause. Ms Winnie Ngan, Director of the Institutional Advancement Office of VTC (Left 7), also gave a warm and inspiring speech and reminded students never to stop chasing their dreams and counting their blessings from donors and guardians in life.
With the generous support from Ms Cheng since 2012, many VTC Higher Diploma students have been able to pursue their dreams following self-set goals. Through this meaningful Scholarship, awardees can develop self-initiative, discipline and responsibility to be a trailblazer for their future. Till 2021, almost 300 students have been sponsored by the Scholarship to work fiercely toward their targets in reaching their dreams.