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  • Industry Partnership Giving To VTC Giving News Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association together with the China Development Bank HK Branch Donate to VTC in Supporting Skills Competitions

    Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association together with the China Development Bank HK Branch Donate to VTC in Supporting Skills Competitions

    • Cheque presentation

      The HKCECF, charity arm of the HKCEA, and the CDB Hong Kong Branch donate HK$400,000 to VTC to support the Hong Kong competitors in their preparation and participation in the 47th WorldSkills Competition. Mr YU Xiao, President of HKCEA (Left) and Mr LI Xiguang, Chief Executive of CDB Hong Kong Branch (Right) present a donation cheque to VTC. Mr Donald TONG, VTC Executive Director (Middle) receives the cheque on behalf of VTC.

    • Group photo

      Mr YU Xiao, President of HKCEA (Third from left), Mr LI Xiguang, Chief Executive of CDB Hong Kong Branch (Fourth from right) and Mr Donald TONG, VTC Executive Director (Fourth from left), pose with attending guests.

    • Exchange idea1

      Guests from CDB Hong Kong Branch and HKCEA exchange ideas with VTC staff and students

    • Exchange idea2

      WorldSkills Competition contestants shared the joyful moments of the competition with the guests.

    29 Dec 2023

    The Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Charitable Foundation (HKCECF), charity arm of the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association (HKCEA), and the China Development Bank (CDB) Hong Kong Branch have once again donated to Vocational Training Council (VTC). This donation aims to support the Hong Kong delegates in their preparation and participation in the 47th WorldSkills Competition, as well as to promote the advancement of vocational and professional education and training (VPET).

    On 29 December 2023, Mr YU Xiao, President of HKCEA and Mr Li Xiguang, the Chief Executive of CDB Hong Kong Branch, jointly presented the donation to the VTC.  They delivered an inspiring speech, expressing their wish to empower and motivate young people to thrive in today’s competitive world while providing outstanding talents to various industries.

    Mr Donald Tong, GBS, JP, the Executive Director of the VTC, expressed profound gratitude to the HKCEA and CDB for their unwavering support. He also encouraged our students to utilize their professional skills and knowledge to contribute to the betterment of society.

    The press release is available HERE.