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    Over 140 VTC programmes open for online application starting 27 November 2020

    • Over 140 VTC programmes open for online application starting 27 November 2020 Image 1

      VTC Senior Assistant Executive Director, Gladys YAM (middle), Head of Department of Information Technology of IVE (Chai Wan), Helen WONG (left) and Project Manager, Joseph KONG (right), introduce VTC’s diverse programmes tailored for Secondary 6 students in Academic Year 2021/22, as well as its tech-enhanced teaching and learning facilities

    • Over 140 VTC programmes open for online application starting 27 November 2020 Image 2

      Project Manager of Department of Information Technology of IVE (Chai Wan), Joseph KONG (left) and IVE graduates of Higher Diploma in Cybersecurity, Janet TSANG (middle) and Hebe AU, (right) introduce the promising career prospects enjoyed by IVE graduates in the innovation and technology sector

    • Over 140 VTC programmes open for online application starting 27 November 2020 Image 3

    • Over 140 VTC programmes open for online application starting 27 November 2020 Image 4

      To cater to the market demand for cybersecurity specialists, VTC is to launch the Cybersecurity Centre in IVE (Chai Wan) campus to provide students with relevant authentic training and offer a platform for students to exchange with industry veterans or co-develop projects

    Providing diversified progression pathways, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) will offer over 140 full-time Degree, Higher Diploma, Diploma of Foundation Studies (DFS), Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) and Diploma programmes in Academic Year 2021/22, covering over 14,000 study places. Tailored for Secondary 6 students, the programmes are open to online applications from 27 November 2020 (Friday) to 28 February 2021 (Sunday).

    In Academic Year 2021/22, VTC member institutions including the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) and the International Culinary Institute (ICI), will offer around 100 Higher Diploma programmes. In face of the pandemic, industries across sectors actively adjust innovative technologies to respond to the “new normal”. All VTC Higher Diploma students, by taking the “Information Technology Essentials” module, will be able to enhance digital skills. VTC member institutions provide a diversity of training modules in digital skills to its Higher Diploma students from various disciplines. Among them, the “smart living” module launched in recent years is specifically designed for students of the Design and Engineering Disciplines to equip them with the fundamental knowledge and application of new technologies like Internet-of-Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

    VTC will also provide a variety of programmes for nurturing innovative and technology talent. Examples include IVE’s Higher Diploma in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics and Higher Diploma in Architectural Technology and Design, as well as Higher Diplomas in Cybersecurity, in Data Science and Analytics, and in Multimedia, VR and Interactive Technology. Through these programmes, students are able to learn new innovative technologies like robotics, AI programming, automation, multimedia development, and big data analytics. VTC will also offer the Higher Diploma in Smart Sports Studies, which combines sports with smart technologies, to enable students to apply new digital skills in sports training and management.

    Now that working, learning, shopping and even entertainment activities have extended online amid the pandemic, the issue of cybersecurity has become most topical. In response to the skills demand in this area, the newly-established Cybersecurity Centre located at IVE (Chai Wan) has provided students with relevant authentic training and offer a platform for students to exchange with industry veterans or co-develop collaborative projects. The Centre will offer professional training for students of the IVE Higher Diploma in Cybersecurity programme, as well as relevant training for other students of the IVE Information Technology Discipline. Professional programmes will also be offered to in-service personnel of the information technology industry. Separately, the Centre will collaborate with industry to organise competitions, workshops, briefings and taster programmes for young people and industry practitioners to enhance public awareness of cybersecurity.

    More so, the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) will offer around 20 vocationally-oriented degree programmes, including programmes under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) of the HKSAR Government, covering areas such as fashion design, product design, landscape architecture, culinary arts and management, civil engineering, horticulture, arboriculture and landscape management, surveying, sports and recreation management, multimedia technology and innovation, as well as information and communications technology. Eligible local students under the SSSDP will be entitled to subsidies amounting to HK$44,100 or HK$76,800 per annum. Students can apply via the JUPAS website on or before 9 December 2020. Students who pursue other vocationally-oriented self-financing programmes and who are eligible to apply for the Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong (NMTSS) will be entitled to an annual non-means-tested subsidy amounting to HK$32,100*.

    To cater to the different aspirations and progression needs of Secondary 6 students, the VTC will also provide more than 30 government-subvented diploma programmes, including eight DFS programmes that cover different professional streams. The HKSAR Government has accepted the VTC DFS as a qualification eligible in application for positions in the civil service that require five HKDSE subjects at Level 2, including English Language and Chinese Language as an entry requirement.

    In parallel, the Youth College is also to offer a diversity of DVE programmes to provide seamless and flexible progression pathways for students and equip them with the requisite knowledge and skills to pave the way for future success in their studies and career. The Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI) / Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI) / ICI will also provide various employment focused diploma programmes. (General entrance requirements of respective programmes are listed at Annex 1).

    Students are invited to submit application through the VTC Admissions Homepage (www.vtc.edu.hk/admission) for applying to programmes of various VTC member institutions (Annex 2). Programme choices should be specified when making applications.

    Separately, VTC member institutions, IVE, HKDI, ICI and THEi will host the online Info Days on 27 and 28 November (Friday and Saturday). Secondary 6 students preparing for the HKDSE and parents can stay home and participate in the live-streamed talks on admission, disciplines and programmes, and in interactive Q&A sessions as well as the 360° virtual tours of campus facilities, to acquaint themselves with the latest study information and the innovative and interactive teaching and learning environment. Interested students and parents are welcome to browse the related websites www.ive.edu.hk/infoday and http://infoday.thei.edu.hk for talk registrations and information of the activities.

    *This refers to the maximum non-means-tested annual subsidy for Academic Year 2020/21. Subsidy for Academic Year 2021/22 is to be announced.

    Established in 1982, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. The mission of VTC is to provide a valued choice to school leavers and working people to acquire the values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability, and also to provide support to industries for their manpower development. VTC has 13 member institutions, namely the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) , the Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge (PEAK) , the School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE), the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) , the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) , the Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI) , the Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI) , the International Culinary Institute (ICI) , the Maritime Services Training Institute (MSTI) , Youth College , Pro-Act by VTC , the Integrated Vocational Development Centre (IVDC) and the Shine Skills Centre.
    Website: www.vtc.edu.hk

    Media Enquiries: 2836 1340 / 2836 1047

    Annex 1: VTC Programmes for Secondary 6 Students

    Programmes General Entrance Requirements
    THEi Degree programmes HKDSE
    Level 3 or above in the following subjects:
    - Chinese Language
    - English Language
    Level 2 or above in the following subjects:
    - Mathematics
    - Liberal Studies
    - One Elective Subject
    IVE, HKDI, HTI/CCI/ICI Higher Diploma programmes HKDSE
    - 5 subjects at Level 2 or above, including Chinese Language and English Language
    IVE Diploma of Foundation Studies programmes - Completion of Secondary 6
    Youth College Diploma of Vocational Education programmes - Completion of Secondary 6
    HTI/CCI/ICI Diploma programmes - Completion of Secondary 6


    Annex 2: Application Period and Enquiries

    Application Period: 27 November 2020 to 28 February 2021
    Admissions Office Hotline: 2897 6111
    Admissions Website: www.vtc.edu.hk/admission