HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee) - Emerging Design Talents 2019: EVOLVE
Students Showcase Their Creativity
Aim to Bring Evolution to Society
Member Institutions of the Vocational Training Council (VTC), the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) and Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee) have been holding their remarkable annual design show, Emerging Design Talents 2019, from 13 to 23 June at the campuses of HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee). Themed “EVOLVE”, Emerging Design Talents 2019 allows the audience to witness the design students’ evolution from designers-in-training to young designers, who are self-directed and ready to thrive. It encompasses five large-scale design performances as well as several exhibitions held in and beyond the campuses.
Apart from pursuing unique creativity, designers today also wish to bring “evolution” in society through their works. Based on their daily lives’ experiences and observation, many students created unique works to raise awareness of various social issues this year, including cramped living conditions, aging population, disappearance of traditional local culture, environmentally-sustainable development and urban stress etc. A selection of student works from areas, including Architecture, Interior and Product Design, Business Administration, Communication Design and Digital Media, Design Foundation Studies, Fashion and Image Design, and Information Technology will be displayed in five design shows and a series of creative exhibitions held during Emerging Design Talents 2019: EVOLVE.
Intergeneration Co-living in An Aging Society
The problem of aging population has become increasingly prevalent in Hong Kong. Eleven outstanding students from HKDI Higher Diploma programmes in Furniture and Lifestyle Product Design, Exhibition Design, Product Design and Visual Communication collaborated to design and produce a range of furniture and products, addressing the physical and cultural issues of intergenerational co-living environment. The 1:1 prototypes of these products were first exhibited at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile di Milan (Milan Furniture Fair) in April this year and will be displayed at the annual design exhibition.WONG Chi-kin, a graduate of HKDI Higher Diploma in Product, Furniture and Jewellery Design, experienced in person the difficulty of cane-carrying seniors when a leg injury forced him to rely on a cane for half a year. As a result, he designed “Sidekick”, which lets elderly users pick up their canes with a simple step that would make the canes stand back up with little effort. LAU Tsz-chun from the same programme designed “TriCane”, a cane with an “invisible” chair, for seniors with leg problems. With a subtle and attractive design, the “TriCane” allows seniors to rest at any time by transforming it into a chair. There are also the “Adaptive Cabinet”, which combines chair, shoe cabinet and mobility aid into one, easing elders to put on or take off shoes without bending over. Another work, the “Active Play” table, offers a safe and shared space for elders and the kids, allowing them to interact with each other conveniently. In addition, CHUI Kam-lun, a graduate of HKDI Higher Diploma in Visual Communication, created an interactive online platform that provides personalised telehealth services for patients with non–communicable diseases. The platform enhances patients’ understanding and empowerment, avoiding them from re-admission to hospital after discharge and hence releasing part of medical burdens.
Inheriting Local Culture
Rapid development in Hong Kong has led to the gradual disappearance of some local traditions. CHOW Pak-kin from HKDI Higher Diploma in Visual Communication designed a series of posters, interactive visuals and board games to enhance understanding on Cantonese among the youth. His work, titled Cantonese (閱語正字), allows young people to understand the profound history and traditions of Cantonese in an interesting and easy-to-understand manner. HONG Ying-suet, a student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Visual Design for Journalism, also created the magazine to show the importance of Cantonese in terms of history, language culture and education. A native of Lantau Island, CHAN Nga-man from HKDI Higher Diploma in Visual Communication, documented the scenery and culture of her home through illustrations. She wished to archive the Lantau stories for Hong Kong people before it may disppear in the future.Sustainable and Human-oriented Products
A selection of new products created by design students will be launched in June for purchase or crowdfunding. Made by TO Ting-shing, a student from HKDI Higher Diploma in Product, Furniture and Jewellery Design, “Tingshing” is a collection of durable and recyclable bags that are created by using sustainable marterials. With the support from the industry, “Tingshing” will be launched for sale online in mid-June at Another student from the same programme, LAM Ho-yuen came up with “The Modular” bag for photographers. The bag enables photographers to create different bag combinations and address their professional needs by using innovative magnetic buckles. Ho-yuen is planning to launch “The Modular” by crowdfunding soon.Arousing Public Awareness on Social Issues
FUNG Nga-ki, a student of HKDI Higher Diploma in Transmedia, aims to arouse the public’s attention on subdivided flats through games and animation with “Crowdieme”; YU Chun-yan, a graduate of HKDI Higher Diploma in Creative Media, reminds people not to live like zombies with her animation work titled “Zommunity”; AU YEUNG Sun-hei, a student of Architectural Design, created “Woven Light”, which is an isolated space in town for urban people to put aside their sadness and anxieties with the immersion of the natural light into the space. Students from IVE Information Technology discipline used animation and game to create an adventure that inspires users to do their part in protecting natural resourses and the history of cultures around the world.Events of Emerging Design Talents 2019: EVOLVE:
The Revolutionary Image of the New Generation & New Fashion Force
On 13 June at 3:30pm and 7:30pm, the HKDI Image Show, The Revolutionary Image of the New Generation, will kick off a series of shows during Emerging Design Talents 2019. It features a series of wearable artworks and revolutionary make-up styling, hair styling, fashion styling and stage costumes that were designed by HKDI students from programmes related to Fashion Image Design. In addition, creative and dazzling performances will spice up the professional catwalk show to bring the audiences a new perspective in the styling industry. “Life is Your Creation”, a collection designed by HO Kui-cheuk, a HKDI Higher Diploma in Fashion Image Design graduate. She adopted different materials with neon colours and common design patterns in 1960s in order to demostrate how Barbie inspires creativity, independance and confidence in girls.Set to be held at 3pm and 7:30pm on 21 June, “New Fashion Force” is another highlight of Emerging Design Talents 2019. The professional catwalk show features 30 of the best fashion and accessory collections selected from more than 200 fashion design graduates of different concentrations (Knitwear, Accessories and Textiles, to name a few). The work titled “Rehabilitation” is an aesthetic and yet functional fashion collection created by HO Wing, a HKDI student of Higher Diploma in Fashion Design. It features slim fit cutting and inner body pockets, which allows users to equip with some medical materials, such as heating packs, herbal packs and aromatherapy packs.
"Starnight Screening" by HKDI Digital Media
To be held on 14 June at 7pm, “Starnight Screening” is the event of the year for HKDI Digital Media department. Nine remarkable movie and motion picture clips, selected from projects of graduates from HKDI Higher Diploma in Creative Media, will be presented to the public and the guests of honour, including renowned professionals from film, broadcasting and creative industries. The show provides a platform for graduates of Film and TV, as well as Creative Media programmes to showcase their creativity and passion.Music in Motion 2019: Diverse Original Music Performance
"Music in Motion 2019" is an annual live music show featuring original compositions by graduates of HKDI Higher Diploma in Digital Music and Media and the relevant top-up degree programme. The graduates will work together to offer live music performances of their original songs. "Music in Motion 2019" showcases a wide range of musical genres, making it an attractive event for all music lovers.Exhibitions extended to various locations
Taking place not only at HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee), but also across various locations around Hong Kong, Emerging Design Talents 2019 will hold various satellite exhibitions. The VIP mobile theatre will tour in Quarry Bay, Taikoo, and Kwun Tong – where numerous advertising agencies are located – from 12 to 14 June. The students will also design an online advertising campaign to further empower the mobile truck.Four groups of graduates from HKDI Higher Diploma in Fashion Branding and Buying will set up a Fashion Solutions pop-up store in PopCorn shopping mall from 22 to 26 June. Through an exhibition, an interactive workshop, a mini catwalk show and a VR experience, the store bridges the graduates with fashion practitioners and industry partners.
In addition, the Slash Show which held from 15 to 21 June at the 6/F Exhibition Hall of Sheung Wan Civic Centre, will exhibit projects of graduates from HKDI Higher Diploma in Visual Arts and Culture and the relevant top-up degree programme; Cannot Not Communicate: HKDI Communication Design 2019 will take place on 4/F, 7 Mallory Street, Wanchai from 14 to 23 June; Design for Exhibition and Museums - Graduation Show 2019 will be held in IVE (Kwun Tong) on 20 June; [FORM/SHIFT] HKDI x UOL Architecture Design Graduation Exhibition will be held from 4 to 6 July in H6 CONET, The Centre, Central. Besides, a jewellery design show 'The Mystic Stone' Jewellery & Accessories Catwalk will be held at K11 shopping mall, Tsim Sha Tsui, to present works from Jewellery and Image Product Design at 8pm on 26 July.
Details of on-campus exhibition
Dates: 13-23 June 2019
Time: 10am to 8pm
Venue: HKDI and IVE (Lee Wai Lee), 3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O, N.T.
(Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station, Exit A2) Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)
The Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) is a member of VTC Group. HKDI was established in 2007 with the mission to be a leading provider of design education and lifelong learning, including foundation design, communication design and digital media, fashion and image design and architectural, interior and product design. With a view to providing professional designers for the creative industries, it promotes the “think and do” approach and encourages interdisciplinary thinking in its broad range of design programmes. HKDI maintains a strong network with industry and provides its students with essential practical experience enriched with cultural sensitivities and sustainability. Overseas exchanges are actively arranged for students to broaden their international perspective.
Website: The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)
The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) is a member of the VTC Group. The 9 IVE campuses are located across the territory. Together they provide vocational and professional education and training for secondary graduates as well as people in employment. IVE courses leading to the award of higher diploma and Diploma of Foundation Studies cover various academic disciplines including Applied Science; Business Administration; Childcare, Elderly and Community Services; Design; Information Technology; Engineering; as well as Hospitality.