Announcement of New Directorate Appointment
A new appointment at the Directorate rank has been made with effect from 1 October 2021.
Ms YAM Ying-sim, Gladys
Ms YAM Ying-sim, Gladys has been appointed as Deputy Executive Director to oversee VTC’s policy areas for programmes at and above degree levels and leading the strategic development of the Languages, Business, Childcare, Elderly and Community Services disciplines. She also steers the campus development initiative, holistic programme planning and student admission exercises.
Ms YAM possesses extensive experience as a management professional and a policy administrator. Prior to this appointment, she had held a number of senior management positions in multinational corporations and in different operational units of the Council, including as Head of Human Resources Division, Senior Assistant Executive Director of Headquarters (Academic Services), and as Principal of School for Higher and Professional Education and Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge.
Ms YAM holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and Master’s degree in Business Administration (The University of Hong Kong).