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    VTC welcomes the 2023-24 Budget of the HKSAR Government

    Latest updated 22 Feb 2023
    • VTC welcomes Budget Speech's initiatives to further the development of VPET Image 1

    The Vocational Training Council (VTC) welcomes the 2023-24 Budget delivered by the Financial Secretary today (22 February), where it is mentioned that starting from the 2023/24 academic year, VTC will launch a two-year pilot project on vocational and professional education and training (VPET) for secondary school students, with a view to enabling them to have an early exposure to VPET and helping them explore their interests. VTC is actively mapping out the programme details of this pilot project. It is planned to offer programmes from three study areas of Information Technology, Design and Hospitality, equipping secondary school students with relevant professional knowledge and practical skills for further study and career development. Students completing the programme can obtain recognized qualification at Level 3 of the Qualifications Framework.

    VTC also supports the other measures set out in the Budget to further promote VPET, which include launching the Diploma of Applied Education Programme on a regular basis and proactively exploring the launch of more applied degree programmes so as to further enhance the VPET progression pathway at the post-secondary education level. Currently, the BSc (Hon) in Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape Management programme offered by the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), a member institution of the VTC, is included in the Pilot Project on the Development of Applied Degree Programmes in this academic year to groom VPET talents with professional knowledge and applied skills for industries. VTC’s School of Business and Information Systems (SBI) will also offer Diploma of Applied Education programme to provide students/trainees with diverse study options.

    Media Enquiry: 2836 1091