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    VTC signs MoU with HKGCC to promote VPET and expand GBA’s talent pool

    Latest updated 02 Oct 2024
    • VTC signs MoU with HKGCC to promote VPET and expand GBAs talent pool Image 1

      The MoU is signed by VTC Executive Director Donald TONG (front left) and HKGCC CEO Patrick YEUNG (front right), and witnessed by VTC Chairman Tony TAI (back left) and HKGCC Vice Chairman YU Pang Chun (back right)

    • VTC signs MoU with HKGCC to promote VPET and expand GBAs talent pool Image 2

      VTC Chairman Tony TAI notes that the collaboration could open up more professional development opportunities for young people, while enhancing the talent pool to support the development of various industries

    • VTC signs MoU with HKGCC to promote VPET and expand GBAs talent pool Image 3

      HKGCC Vice Chairman YU Pang Chun remarks that the Chamber looks forward to further enhancing synergies with VTC, by organising various activities and developing practical courses, strengthening local vocational education, and fostering more professional talents for Hong Kong and the GBA

    • VTC signs MoU with HKGCC to promote VPET and expand GBAs talent pool Image 4

      Guests visit the Chai Wan campus of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)

    The Vocational Training Council (VTC) and the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote the joint development of Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) and nurture talent in support of the growth of emerging sectors in the Greater Bay Area (GBA).

    The MoU was signed by VTC Executive Director Donald TONG and HKGCC CEO Patrick YUENG on 30 September, witnessed by VTC Chairman Tony TAI and HKGCC Vice Chairman YU Pang Chun.

    Mr TAI thanked HKGCC for its staunch support to VTC and VPET. He said, “VTC has been working closely with industry partners and providing VPET programmes that equip talent with professional knowledge and skills, to address industries’ needs. We believe that this collaboration could open up more professional development opportunities for young people, while enhancing the talent pool to support the development of various industries."

    Mr YU said, “For the past 163 years, HKGCC has been growing alongside Hong Kong and the business community. Enhancing productivity is crucial to driving the long-term sustainable development of the Hong Kong economy, especially as the city faces labour shortages, making the development of local skilled professionals a key priority.” He added, “This collaboration will allow HKGCC and VTC to further enhance synergies by organising various activities and developing practical courses, strengthening local vocational education, and fostering more professional talents for Hong Kong and the GBA.”

    The collaboration will foster closer communication and exchange on economic and market development between the two parties. VTC and HKGCC will join hands to organise programmes and activities for their stakeholders, opening up more opportunities for local vocational professionals and boosting the city’s workforce. HKGCC will also strengthen cooperation with VTC member institutions and encourage member companies to offer internship and employment opportunities for VTC students through the Earn & Learn Scheme, a programme that aims to provide young people with on-the-job training, helping pave their future career path.

    The Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT), a member institution of the VTC, will also work with HKGCC to facilitate IT talent flow within the GBA. HKIIT will offer upskilling and reskilling programmes on frontier technologies for HKGCC staff and members, enabling them to better understand the latest technological development trends and seize the opportunities from digital transformation while enriching the region’s talent pool. Embracing I+I (Institute + Industry) collaboration, HKIIT will work closely with various industries to promote skills excellence and sustainable growth.

    To meet the need for talent for the future growth of the GBA, the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), another member institution of VTC, will partner with HKGCC to develop applied bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in emerging technologies and industries. Covering topics such as digital economy, artificial intelligence, as well as Environment, Social and Governance (ESG), the programmes are designed to meet manpower needs, thereby enhancing Hong Kong’s overall competitiveness as an international financial and innovation hub, and promoting the high-quality development of various industries in the GBA.

    About Vocational Training Council(VTC)

    Established in 1982, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. The mission of VTC is to provide a valued choice to school leavers and working people to acquire the values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability, and also to provide support to industries for their manpower development. VTC has 14 member institutions, namely the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi)the Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge (PEAK)the School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE)the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), the Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT),  the Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI),  the Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI)the International Culinary Institute (ICI)the Maritime Services Training Institute (MSTI)Youth CollegePro-Act by VTCthe Integrated Vocational Development Centre (IVDC) and the Shine Skills Centre.

    Website:  www.vtc.edu.hk

    About Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce(HKGCC)

    Founded in 1861, HKGCC is the oldest and largest business organization in Hong Kong. With its membership comprising multi-national corporations, Chinese Mainland enterprises and Hong Kong companies, HKGCC is a self-funded, non-profit organization and, as such, a truly independent body representing the diverse interests of the entire business community in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Its mission is to promote, represent and safeguard the interests of the Hong Kong business community. The Chamber is an important bridge connecting Hong Kong businesses with the rest of the world.

    Website: www.chamber.org.hk

    Media Enquiries: 2836 1790