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    Parents’ Programme 2023
    to help parents and DSE candidates chart progression pathways together

    Latest updated 13 Mar 2023
    • Parents Programme 2023 to help parents and DSE candidates chart progression pathways together Image 1

      VTC and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) will co-host the Parents’ Programme to help acquaint parents with the diverse study options, enabling them to assist their children in charting the future progression pathway

    • Parents Programme 2023 to help parents and DSE candidates chart progression pathways together Image 2

      Joseph TSANG, Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters will walk parents and their children through the latest study information with statistical analysis to help them make a well-thought-out future plan

    • Parents Programme 2023 to help parents and DSE candidates chart progression pathways together Image 3

      Joseph TSANG, Vice Chairman (right) of the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters will walk parents and their children through the latest study information with statistical analysis to help them make a well-thought-out future plan

    • Parents Programme 2023 to help parents and DSE candidates chart progression pathways together Image 4

      Timothy YU, Founder and CEO of Snapask will talk about the popular trends of technology learning, features of the future workplace and tips on career planning

    Young people face many challenges as they navigate their path into higher education. One of them is the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE). To help candidates make informed study choices, parents’ support and a well-thought-out plan are crucial. The Vocational Training Council (VTC) will co-host a two-talk Parents’ Programme with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) to help acquaint parents with the diverse study options, new trends in technology-enhanced learning and how the future workplace will look like, enabling them to gain useful information for planning the study pathway with their children together.

    Themed “DSE Smart Tips”, the first talk is scheduled for 18 March (Saturday). Parents and students can attend in person at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) (Haking Wong) or join via online live broadcast. Presented by Joseph TSANG, Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters, the talk will provide information on the latest study choices with statistical analysis to help gear DSE candidates up for charting a preferred future pathway. A guided tour of IVE's interactive learning environment and advanced campus facilities, like the IoT Technology Centre, Tourism and Aviation Training Centre and Retail Lab will be arranged after the talk.

    Meanwhile, the second talk, titled “Parent-child Communication in the Digital Era”, is scheduled for 15 April (Saturday). Parents and students can choose to attend the physical event at the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) or watch the online live broadcast. As technology has become an indispensable part of young people’s life and learning, our guest speaker Timothy YU, Founder and CEO of Snapask will walk through the popular trends of technology learning, features of the future workplace and tips on career planning, together with an expert from the innovation and technology sector.The talk will be followed by a guided tour of HKDI’s campus facilities, including the HKDI Media Lab, Fashion Archive, and Centre of Design Services and Solutions.

    The Parents’ Programme 2023 is free of charge. Parents and other interested parties are welcome to register online at www.vtc.edu.hk/cpro/talk/2023/ or call 2836 1888 for enquiries.

    Established in 1982, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. The mission of VTC is to provide a valued choice to school leavers and working people to acquire the values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability, and also to provide support to industries for their manpower development. VTC has 13 member institutions, namely the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi)the Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge (PEAK)the School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE)the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI)the Hotel and Tourism Institute (HTI),  the Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI)the International Culinary Institute (ICI)the Maritime Services Training Institute (MSTI)Youth CollegePro-Act by VTCthe Integrated Vocational Development Centre (IVDC) and the Shine Skills Centre.

    Website: www.vtc.edu.hk

    Media Enquiries: 2836 1255 / 2836 1091

    Annex: Details of the Parents’ Programme 2023

    1st Talk: “DSE Smart Tips”


    18 March (Saturday)


    2:30 pm


    IVE (Haking Wong)

    [702 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon] (Fortune Street Entrance/ Exit B, Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station)

    { The talk will be broadcast live online }

    A guided tour of the IVE (Haking Wong) will be arranged after the talk.

    Guest Speaker:

    Joseph TSANG, Vice Chairman, Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters


    18 March (Saturday)


    2:30 pm


    IVE (Haking Wong)

    [702 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon] (Fortune Street Entrance/ Exit B, Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station)

    { The talk will be broadcast live online }

    A guided tour of the IVE (Haking Wong) will be arranged after the talk.

    Guest Speaker:

    Joseph TSANG, Vice Chairman, Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters

    2nd Talk: “Parent-child Communication in the Digital Era”


    15 April (Saturday)


    2:30 pm


    Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) [3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O]

    (Exit A2, Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station)

    { The talk will be broadcast live online }

    A guided tour of HKDI will be arranged after the talk.

    Guest Speaker:

    Timothy YU, Founder and CEO of Snapask

    Event details and Registration:


    Online Application for Admission:



    15 April (Saturday)


    2:30 pm


    Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) [3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O]

    (Exit A2, Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station)

    { The talk will be broadcast live online }

    A guided tour of HKDI will be arranged after the talk.

    Guest Speaker:

    Timothy YU, Founder and CEO of Snapask

    Event details and Registration:

    Online Application for Admission: