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    Rotary’s scholarship supports the progression ladder for VPET students

    • 06-Rotary

    25 Oct 2018

    Around 20 students celebrated their achievement in the 3rd Rotary Hong Kong Vocational Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony held on 25th October.  The Scholarship is set up to support students to further their study with the progression ladder of the vocational and professional education and training (VPET) from Diploma, Higher Diploma to Degree levels in VTC. Awardees were granted a scholarship ranging from $10,000 to $35,000 in recognition of their academic attainments and contribution in community service over the past academic year.

    With the staunch support of Rotary International District 3450, over 120 students have been awarded under the Scholarship scheme since its inception in 2015.  25 new and about 30 renewal scholarship awards were distributed in AY2017/18.