Outstanding Industrial Attachment Scholarships Presentation Ceremony cum VTC Design Education Fund Donors Appreciation Ceremony 2021
18 Nov 2021
The Outstanding Industrial Attachment Scholarships Presentation Ceremony cum VTC Design Education Fund Donors Appreciation Ceremony was held at the Innovation and Technology Co-creation Centre of IVE (Morrison Hill) in the form of live-broadcast on 18 November 2021. A total of 390 students with outstanding performance in their industrial attachments were awarded with scholarships worth $1.95 million. We were delighted to have Dr Allen SHI Lop-tak, BBS, MH, JP, the President of The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong officiated at the online ceremony. Dr SHI shared his experience with the awardees, and encouraged them to unleash their creativity and agility in the fast-changing digital era. With the generous support from the industry partners and employers, more than 4,000 students had been awarded with the Scholarship since its inception in 2007.