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  • Industry Partnership Giving To VTC Giving News Celebrating Project Achievement - Swire’s TrustTomorrow “Connecting for a Brighter Tomorrow” Grand Finale Event

    Celebrating Project Achievement - Swire’s TrustTomorrow “Connecting for a Brighter Tomorrow” Grand Finale Event

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    26 Sep 2023

    As one of the key partners in the promotion of vocational and professional education and training, the Swire Trust supported VTC in setting up The Swire Sky-Flyer Work-integrated Learning Programme under its TrustTomorrow Campaign.  In celebration of the achievements of TrustTomorrow’s projects, the Swire Trust held the Grand Finale Event, “Connecting for a Brighter Tomorrow” on 26 September 2023 at ArtisTree in Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay.  The event was well-attended by guests from the government, the philanthropic sector, the NGO community and VTC, where project leaders and beneficiaries shared their inspiring stories and the positive impact generated by the Campaign.   The event also provided excellent networking opportunities for participants to connect with professionals and experts in their respective fields.


    The Swire Sky-Flyer Work-integrated Learning Programme, rolled out in September 2020, was a pilot three-year scheme in partnership with VTC aiming to provide multiple and flexible pathways for young people with diverse aspirations and abilities through vocational and professional education and training.  The scheme has nurtured over 1,200 VTC students.  The scheme offered students diversified opportunities to enhance their trade-specific knowledge and employability skills essential in the future workplace.  In addition to the internship opportunities in the specialized fields of engineering, aviation, logistics and services, and hospitality provided by the companies under the Swire Group, students were engaged in a variety of local and overseas enrichment programmes through overseas exchange, professional training and experience sharing.  The scheme also provided scholarships and internship allowances to support the students’ academic and career development.

    The Swire Sky-Flyer Work-integrated Learning Programme Video link: https://www.facebook.com/TrustTomorrow.Swire/videos/607983831231073