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  • Industry Partnership Giving To VTC Giving News Chevalier Group Scholarship for Outstanding Engineering Students

    Chevalier Group Scholarship for Outstanding Engineering Students

    • 2022.09.27_Chevalier_2

    • 2022.09.27_Chevalier_1.JPG

    27 Sep 2022

    The Chevalier Group Scholarship was found in 2018 to recognise the outstanding academic achievements of VTC students in the Engineering Discipline. The scholarship aims to nurture young professionals in the fields of engineering and construction and drive sustainable development in industries.

    In academic year 2021/22, a total of 40 talented engineering students received this immensely motivational scholarship. 20 Higher Diploma students were awarded HK$40,000 each, while 20 Diploma of Vocational Education students were awarded HK$10,000 each. With such recognitions, awardees were highly driven to obtain further professional knowledge and qualifications as well as strive for their best. 

    Apart from the financial reward, the scholarship awardees were given a rare opportunity to meet with senior representatives of the Chevalier Group on 27 September 2022. The Chairman and Managing Director of Chevalier Group, Mr KUOK Hoi Sang, MH, addressed the awardees warmly and encouraged them to be resilient, endeavour for excellence and contribute to the betterment of the industries. After the meeting, Chevalier representatives were invited to visit the new teaching facilities in VTC Pro-Act Training and Development Centre (Electrical).

    Thanks for the generous donation from the Chevalier Group; the scholarship has been an invaluable encouragement to our engineering students in pursuing academic excellence and career development. 160 students in the areas of Civil Engineering, Surveying, Building Services Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer and Electronic Engineering have benefitted from the award since the establishment of the scholarship.

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