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  • Industry Partnership Giving To VTC Giving News Chevalier Group Scholarship Agreement Signing Ceremony

    Chevalier Group Scholarship Agreement Signing Ceremony VTC and the Chevalier Group Join Hands to Nurture a New Generation of Young Professionals in the Engineering and Construction Industry

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      VTC Deputy Executive Director, Edmond YU (first from left), Chairman and Managing Director of Chevalier Group, Mr KUOK Hoi-sang MH (second from right), Director of Institutional Advancement Office, Ms Winnie NGAN (first from right), and Academic Director of Engineering Discipline, Dr Daniel YAN (second from right) attended the Chevalier-Group-Scholarship-Agreement-Signing-Ceremony on 18 April

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      The staff from Chevalier Group shared the industry insights with VTC students

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      The Chairman and Managing Director of Chevalier Group, Mr KUOK Hoi-sang MH delivered an inspiring speech for the students

    18 Apr 2023

    VTC expresses its gratitude to the Chevalier Group for its continued support of engineering and construction students through the Chevalier Group Scholarship, which was established in 2018 to recognize the outstanding academic achievements of VTC students in the Engineering Discipline and nurture young professionals in engineering and construction. 

    The signing ceremony between the Chevalier Group and VTC held on 18 April 2023 (Tue) at the Smart City Innovation Centre, IVE(TY), signifies the continuation of support for the next generation of engineers who will bring new impetus to the industry. Every year, the Scholarship grants 40 awards to talented engineering and construction students, benefiting 160 students in the areas of Civil Engineering, Surveying, Building Services Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer and Electronic Engineering and so forth since its inception. 

    VTC thanks Mr KUOK Hoi Sang, MH, Chairman and Managing Director of the Chevalier Group and his team for attending the Ceremony, and acknowledges the Chevalier Group's dedication to nurturing and supporting young people to realize their dreams, adding that its contributions have been invaluable in supporting the academic and career development of engineering and construction students. The Scholarship has been a significant motivator for students, inspiring them to pursue their academic goals and become industry leaders. 

    VTC looks forward to continuing its partnership with the Chevalier Group and nurturing the next generation of engineers who will drive sustainable development in the industry.