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  • Industry Partnership Giving To VTC Giving News Celebrating New Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship Awardees

    Celebrating New Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship Awardees

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    18 Aug 2023

    On August 18, 2023, we celebrated an extraordinary milestone at the Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship (AHFS) New Scholars Welcome Gathering.  This year, 21 academically outstanding scholars are embarking on a transformative journey in the UK, turning their dreams into reality.

    The welcome gathering brought together new scholars, past recipients, Mr John RUDDY, the Trust Protector of the Alistair Harvey Foundation, VTC Alumni Ambassador in the UK and staff from VTC’s Institutional Advancement Office (IAO).

    Mr John RUDDY congratulated our new scholars and inspired them to commit to academic excellence and personal growth.  Ms Winnie NGAN, Director of IAO, expressed heartfelt thanks to Mr John RUDDY and Alistair Harvey Foundation for their generous support in the past decades.  She also encouraged the AHFS Scholars to seize this opportunity to fulfill their aspirations and make contributions to the society.

    During the event, past AHFS Scholars shared experiences and insights from their time in the UK.  They encouraged the new scholars to actively immerse themselves in the UK to broaden their horizons.

    The Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship, established in 2004, continues its mission to empower VTC students from science and technology backgrounds by providing them with extraordinary learning journeys to advance their studies at the Bachelor's or Master's level or participate in an academic exchange in the United Kingdom.