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    Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship Selection Interviews Yield New Havery Scholars for AY2024/25

    • AHFS Selection Interviews AY2024/25

    26 Apr 2024

    The selection interviews of Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship for Degree Study, Masters Study, and Academic Exchange for AY2024/25 were successfully conducted.  The selection exercise was graced by the presence of Mr John RUDDY, the Trust Protector of the Alistair Harvey Foundation and Honorary Fellow of the VTC.  Congratulations to the 21 new Harvey Scholars!

    During Mr RUDDY’s visit to Hong Kong, and out of his busy schedule to the selection interviews, he had the pleasure of attending a heartwarming reunion gathering with past Harvey Scholars.  The participants came together to reminisce about their joyful university experiences and cherished memories from their time in the UK.  With utmost enthusiasm, Mr RUDDY encouraged each Scholar to embrace every phase of life with courage and a spirit of exploration, to contribute to their respective professions, and to pay forward to the community.

    The Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship was established in 2004 as per the last wish of the late Mr Alistair HARVEY to support VTC students to pursue an undergraduate, postgraduate degree or to participate in academic exchange which are related to Engineering, Health & Life Sciences, Information Technology in the United Kingdom.  Since its inception, over 200 VTC students have been awarded as Harvey Scholars and departed for a new chapter by studying abroad.