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Applied Science Discipline

Higher Diploma in Analytical Science

Programme code AS114103

Semester 1:
  • Essential Chemistry and Applications
  • Chemical Testing and Data Analysis Techniques
  • Physical and Organic Chemical Testing Techniques
  • Basic Chemical Instrumentation Techniques
  • Essential Workplace Communication: Effective Oral Interaction
  • Essential Workplace Communication: Digital Written Correspondence
  • Whole Person Development - MindShift: Achieving Personal Growth & Effectiveness
Semester 2:
Higher Diploma in Analytical Science (Analytical Chemistry):
  • Molecular Spectrometric and Chromatographic Techniques
  • Hyphenated Instrumentation Techniques for Chemical Testing
  • Environmental Testing
  • Vocational Chinese Communication I: Putonghua Conversation and Reports
  • Professional Workplace Communication: Storytelling and Job Search
  • Whole Person Development - Collaboration, Teamwork & Social Engagement
  • IT Essentials - Health and Life Sciences
  • Enrichment Module B
Higher Diploma in Analytical Science (Testing Science):
  • Fractionation and Separation of Biomolecules
  • Biochemistry
  • Gemstone Testing Techniques
  • Vocational Chinese Communication I: Putonghua Conversation and Reports
  • Professional Workplace Communication: Storytelling and Job Search
  • Whole Person Development - Collaboration, Teamwork & Social Engagement
  • Information Technology Essentials - Health and Life Sciences
  • Enrichment Module B
Semester 3:
Higher Diploma in Analytical Science (Analytical Chemistry):
  • Chemical and Physical Testing of Textile Products
  • Chemical Testing of Food and Environment
  • Professional Workplace Communication: Proposal and Report Writing
  • Whole Person Development - Enhancing Competencies in the 21st Century Workplace
  • Common Elective Module:
    - Laboratory Quality Assurance (Elective Module)
    - Method Validation and Verification (Elective Module)
  • Enrichment Module A
Higher Diploma in Analytical Science (Testing Science):
  • Molecular Biology and Testing
  • Quality Assurance of Pharmaceutical Products
  • Professional Workplace Communication: Proposal and Report Writing
  • Whole Person Development - Enhancing Competencies in the 21st Century Workplace
  • Common Elective Module
    - Laboratory Quality Assurance (Elective Module)
    - Method Validation and Verification (Elective Module)
  • Enrichment Module A
Semester 4:
Higher Diploma in Analytical Science (Analytical Chemistry):
  • Toy Safety Testing (Heavy Metals)
  • Organic Chemical Testing of Drugs and Chinese Medicines
  • Project
  • Vocational Chinese Communication: Putonghua Presentations, Administrative and Technical Text Writing
  • Professional Workplace Communication: Pitching and Persuasive Presentation
  • Analytical Quality Assurance and Laboratory Accreditation (Elective Module)
  • Organic Chemical Analysis (Elective Module)
Higher Diploma in Analytical Science (Testing Science):
  • Food and Pharmaceutical Applications of Microbiological Techniques
  • Food Safety Testing and Monitoring
  • Project
  • Vocational Chinese Communication: Putonghua Presentations, Administrative and Technical Text Writing
  • Professional Workplace Communication: Pitching and Persuasive Presentation
  • Analytical Quality Assurance and Laboratory Accreditation (Elective Module)
  • Food Safety in Testing and Certification (Elective Module)
Semester 5:
Higher Diploma in Analytical Science (Analytical Chemistry):
  • Inorganic Chemical Testing of Drugs and Chinese Medicines
  • Toy Safety Testing (Restricted Organic Substances)
  • Project
  • Industrial Attachment
  • Organic Chemical Analysis (Elective Module)
Higher Diploma in Analytical Science (Testing Science):
  • Chemical Testing of Toys, Children’s and Consumer Products
  • Material Testing Techniques
  • Project
  • Industrial Attachment
  • Food Safety in Testing and Certification (Elective Module)