Media Newsroom Press Releases Press Releases 2023

Announcement of New Directorate Appointment

A new appointment at the Directorate rank has been made with effect from 1 August 2023.

Professor SO Wai-man Raymond, BBS, JP

Prof SO has been appointed as Assistant Executive Director. He will assume the role of Principal of the School for Higher and Professional Education, and concurrently as Principal of the Institute of Professional Education and Knowledge. He will be responsible for the operation and strategic development of the School and the Institute.

Prof SO has extensive leadership experience in the public sector and higher education institutions. Prior to this appointment, he had served as the Under Secretary for Transport and Housing, HKSAR Government. With his strong academic and research background, he had assumed various academic leadership roles including Dean or Associate Dean in a number of local universities.

Prof SO holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degrees in Business Administration (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Finance (Louisiana State University) and a Bachelor’s degree in Law (Tsinghua University). He is also a Fellow Member of Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management.

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