Newsletter - Issue 2

Youth College (International) Newsletter - Issue 2 (Jul 2022)

Design Student Won First Runner-up in Territory-wide Art Competition

Our Year 3 Design student LEUNG Ka Ka Karen finished as the first runner-up in the Digital Graphics Category of the Wharf Hong Kong Secondary School Art Competition 2021-22. The winning artworks were on exhibition from 7th June to 14th July in major shopping centres, including the Harbour City, Times Square, and Plaza Hollywood.

Karen’s artwork depicted an angel confined in a crowded and space-lacking Hong Kong apartment room — a “cage”. In her painting, despite the depressive overall tone and the seemingly disorganised surroundings, she is still able to show an angel with her wings confined — her optimistic and positive attitude towards life.

Other than winning the art competition, Karen has also been awarded the Wharf Arts Scholarship, a full scholarship of HKD168,400 that covers all her university tuitions.


梁嘉珈得獎作品名為《籠中天使》,以香港狹窄的公寓房間作為背景,描繪了一位被困在擁擠環境中的天使。畫作的色調壓抑、背景看似雜亂;不過,畫中的天使衝破空間的限制,繼續做喜歡的事 —— 梁嘉珈正是通過這位無法展開雙翼的天使,展現自己樂觀的生活態度。

Karen also took inspiration from Hong Kong’s traditional building “Tong Lau”, among other traditional Hong Kong cultural elements, to preserve the local culture and heritage through art.
