Newsletter - Issue 5

Youth College (International) Newsletter - Issue 5 (Feb 2024)

Design Talents Shine in the 40th Hong Kong Watch & Clock Design Competition

Named a finalist, Martin To's design 'PECE' intends to encourage users to adopt different perspectives when facing challenges. 杜光澤的設計作品「PECE」成功入圍,其設計靈感為鼓勵用家在面對挑戰時運用不同的思考角度。

Matthew Wong's 'Tanzzle' earns the Champion of the student group, a design crafted to foster closer connections through portable gaming. 黃彥洋的設計作品「Tanzzle」榮獲學生組冠軍,其設計旨在透過便攜遊戲,縮短人與人之間的距離。

Matthew Wong's 'Tanzzle' earns the Champion of the student group, a design crafted to foster closer connections through portable gaming.黃彥洋的設計作品「Tanzzle」榮獲學生組冠軍,其設計旨在透過便攜遊戲,縮短人與人之間的距離。

Named a finalist, Martin To's design 'PECE' intends to encourage users to adopt different perspectives when facing challenges. 杜光澤的設計作品「PECE」成功入圍,其設計靈感為鼓勵用家在面對挑戰時運用不同的思考角度。
Our third-year student Wong Yin Yeung Matthew from the DVB (Design) programme triumphed with the Champion title in the student group at the 40th Hong Kong Watch & Clock Design Competition, thanks to his unique 'Tanzzle' design. Meanwhile, 'PECE,' the creation of our second-year student To Kwong Chak Martin, also made waves as a selected finalist in this esteemed competition. Both students' designs were rigorously evaluated against strict selection criteria, highlighting the exceptional quality of their work.


Engineering Students Spark Success in CLP Power Low-Carbon Invention Competition

Mr Lo accepts the merit award on behalf of student Wong Boonyapat. 羅老師代黃浚庭同學領取優異獎。

Student Iris Kwok receives the first runner-up trophy and certificate. 郭家詠同學獲頒亞軍獎座及證書。

Student Iris Kwok receives the first runner-up trophy and certificate. 郭家詠同學獲頒亞軍獎座及證書

Mr Lo accepts the merit award on behalf of student Wong Boonyapat. 羅老師代黃浚庭同學領取優異獎。
Two DVB (Engineering) students have made their mark at the CLP Power Low-Carbon Invention Competition. Our second-year student, Kwok Ka Wing Iris, won First Runner-up in the secondary school category with her 'Flexible PV Curtain', a creative solar energy solution. Meanwhile, our first-year student, Wong Boonyapat, earned a merit award for his 'IoT Smart Pillow', which blends technology with everyday comfort. These accomplishments underscore our students' inventive spirit and their significant contributions to promoting sustainable living.

兩名職專國際文憑(工程)課程學生在「低碳節能小發明比賽」中獲取佳績。二年級學生郭家詠贏得了中學組亞軍,她的「Flexible PV Curtain」 是一種具創意的太陽能光伏設計方案。此外,一年級學生黃浚庭憑藉他的「IoT智好枕」獲得了優異獎,此項設計構思巧妙,將科技與日常生活相結合。可見,這些成績突顯了同學的創新精神,將所學的知識實踐於綠色生活中。

Engineering Students Triumph at the VTC STEM Challenge Cup 2023
工程課程學生在2023 VTC STEM挑戰杯中奪冠

Bridging technology with community needs: a group of DVB (Engineering) students—Law Lok Yi Katy, Yeung Yan Lam Yanis, Wu Ka Shing Alex, and Wong Lok Him Marcus—excelled at the VTC STEM Challenge Cup 2023. Their innovative 'Elderly Shopping Cart' earned them the title of Champion, showcasing their commitment to enhancing daily life for seniors through practical engineering solutions.

職專國際文憑(工程)課程學生羅樂兒、楊欣臨、胡家誠和黃樂謙在2023年的VTC STEM挑戰杯中表現出色。他們的創新設計作品「Elderly Shopping Cart」榮獲比賽冠軍。此項出色的設計展示了同學們運用所學的工程知識,以改善長者日常生活的不便。

Engineering Students Claim Top Honours in the 17th Creative Technology Education Association (CTEA) Robotic Tournament

Our third-year DVB (Engineering) students Law Lok Yi Katy, Chan Zeph Aaron, and Yeung Yan Lam Yanis have achieved remarkable success at the 17th Creative Technology Education Association (CTEA) Robotic Tournament with their 'Smart Toilet Seat for the Elderly,' which garnered the First Runner-Up position. This inventive solution not only highlights their remarkable talent and creativity but also demonstrates their commitment to improving the lives of the elderly and fostering community connections through technology.

職專國際文憑(工程)課程三年級學生羅樂兒、陳昊陽和楊欣臨成績斐然。他們在第17屆創意技術教育協會(CTEA)電子科技創新設計比賽中,憑藉設計樂齡產品⸺「Smart Toilet Seat for the Elderly」贏得亞軍。這作品不僅突顯了同學們卓越的才華和創造力,更展現了他們承諾透過科技改善老年人的生活,實現以科技促進與社區的聯繫。

Sportsmanship and Skills⸺Boys' and Girls' Basketball Teams Make Their Mark in the Youth College Basketball Competition

Our Boys' & Girls' Basketball Teams achieved remarkable results at the recent Youth College Basketball Competition. The boys' team delivered a series of strategic plays to secure the 1st runner-up position in the highly competitive 5-on-5 category. The girls' team's performance was equally commendable, as they fought valiantly to claim the 3rd runner-up spot in the 3-on-3 category. The matches were a testament to their dedication, skill, and sportsmanship.
