Newsletter - Issue 3

Youth College (International) Newsletter - Issue 3 (Feb 2023)

Design Graduate Was Awarded in HKSES 2022/23
設計課程畢業生榮獲 2022/23 學年香港卓越獎學金

Angelo receives the HKSES certificate from Dr Christine CHOI Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education.

Angelo with Dr Daniel YIP Chung-yin, Deputy Chairperson of VTC (left), and Mr Raymond KWOK Chin-kon, Senior Assistant Executive Director (Academic Development and Enterprise) of VTC (right)

Angelo with Dr Daniel YIP Chung-yin, Deputy Chairperson of VTC (left), and Mr Raymond KWOK Chin-kon, Senior Assistant Executive Director (Academic Development and Enterprise) of VTC (right)

Angelo receives the HKSES certificate from Dr Christine CHOI Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education.
CHAN Tsz Yuet Angelo, a graduate of DVB(Design), has been awarded a scholarship of about HK$900,000 in the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme to pursue his undergraduate studies in the UK. Angelo distinguished himself from hundreds of applicants with his exceptional academic record and continuous contributions to the local community. Aspiring to become an architect, Angelo is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture at Oxford Brookes University.

職專國際文憑(設計)畢業生陳旨悅榮膺 2022/23 學年香港卓越獎學金,獲政府頒授約九十萬圓港幣,以資助其負笈英國深造。陳同學在 YCI 修讀期間不斷求進,學業成績優異,熱心服務社群,此次從百餘名申請者中脫穎而出,難能可貴。陳同學立志成為一名專業的建築設計師,目前正於 Oxford Brookes University 攻讀建築學本科學位,繼續努力譜寫卓越篇章。

Design Student Shined in Watch & Clock Design Competition

Award-winning design, 'Attosecond' (left) and finalist of student group, 'Water Droplets' (right)

Matthew (middle) is awarded Merit of Student Group.

Matthew (middle) is awarded Merit of Student Group.

Award-winning design, 'Attosecond' (left) and finalist of student group, 'Water Droplets' (right)
DVB(Design) students WONG Yin Yeung Matthew and KWOCK Yan Yin Yara entered the 39th Hong Kong Watch & Clock Design Competition when they first started at Youth College (International) as freshmen. Their unique designs, ‘Attosecond’ and ‘Water Droplets’ led Matthew into receiving Merit of Student Group and Yara being selected as the Finalist of Student Group respectively in this prominent competition.

職專國際文憑(設計)學生黃彥洋和郭茵彥於就讀一年級時參加第三十九屆香港鐘錶設計比賽,表現出眾。是項比賽由香港貿發局主辦,由來已久,備受業界肯定。兩名同學代表 YCI 參賽,初露頭角,即獲佳績。其中郭同學以作品「水滴」入圍決賽,而黃同學更憑作品「渺秒」奪得學生組優異獎項。「渺秒」構思巧妙,將植物生長元素融入時間顯示功能之中,既有記錄生命成長點滴之用,也寓意珍惜生活,銘刻美好時光。

Two Design Graduates Received BTEC Bronze Award
兩名設計課程畢業生獲 BTEC 銅獎

LEUNG Ka Ka Karen 梁嘉珈
Class of 2022 (Design) 2022年設計課程畢業生

CHAN Tsz Yuet Angelo 陳旨悅
Class of 2022 (Design) 2022年設計課程畢業生

CHAN Tsz Yuet Angelo 陳旨悅
Class of 2022 (Design) 2022年設計課程畢業生

LEUNG Ka Ka Karen 梁嘉珈
Class of 2022 (Design) 2022年設計課程畢業生
DVB(Design) graduates CHAN Tsz Yuet Angelo and LEUNG Ka Ka Karen received BTEC Art and Design Learner of the Year 2022 - Bronze Award. The awards were presented by Pearson and each of the winners was selected from thousands of eligible students across the globe.

職專國際文憑(設計)畢業生陳旨悅和梁嘉珈獲 2022 年度 BTEC Art and Design Learner of the Year 銅獎表彰。此獎由培生集團設立,旨在於全球範圍內遴選傑出表現之學生。獎項競逐激烈,評審嚴格。陳、梁兩名同學成績優異,屢獲殊榮,是次更獲國際認可,令人備受鼓舞。

Engineering Students Won Two Awards in VTC STEM Challenge Cup 2022
工程課程學生於 2022 VTC STEM 挑戰盃勇奪兩獎項

Development team of ‘Smart Handrail Steriliser’: LAW Lok Yi (2nd left), YEUNG Yan Lam (middle) and NG Muk Yan (2nd right); teacher advisor: Mr Gary LAM (1st right)

Development team of ‘Shall We Talk’: LAM Jai Naan (2nd left), NG Chun Lung (3rd left), LAM Chi Kwan (3rd right), TSE Kwan Ngo (screen) and YUEN Ho Yin; teacher advisors: Mr Dickson LO (1st left) and Mr Gary LAM (1st right)
「Shall We Talk」研發團隊:林霽楠(左二)、吳鎮龍(左三)、林姿均(右三)、謝君翱(螢幕)和袁浩賢。顧問導師:羅超傑老師(左一)及林嘉威老師(右一)。

Development team of ‘Shall We Talk’: LAM Jai Naan (2nd left), NG Chun Lung (3rd left), LAM Chi Kwan (3rd right), TSE Kwan Ngo (screen) and YUEN Ho Yin; teacher advisors: Mr Dickson LO (1st left) and Mr Gary LAM (1st right)
「Shall We Talk」研發團隊:林霽楠(左二)、吳鎮龍(左三)、林姿均(右三)、謝君翱(螢幕)和袁浩賢。顧問導師:羅超傑老師(左一)及林嘉威老師(右一)。

Development team of ‘Smart Handrail Steriliser’: LAW Lok Yi (2nd left), YEUNG Yan Lam (middle) and NG Muk Yan (2nd right); teacher advisor: Mr Gary LAM (1st right)
Two groups of DVB(Engineering) students joined the VTC STEM Challenge Cup 2022. Both groups were awarded for their creative devices. ‘Shall We Talk’ is a smart recording machine which helps elderly to interpret their speech into words on a screen for better communication. This practical creation has led the team of five Year 3 students into winning the Smart Technology Application Award. Another award went to ‘Smart Handrail Steriliser’, an automatic steriliser system for handrails on trains. The team of three Year 1 students won the Outstanding Performance Award for their innovative ideas.

職專國際文憑(工程)學生在 2022 VTC STEM 挑戰盃中發揮創意、表現出色,共獲兩個獎項,包括智慧科技應用大獎以及優異獎。是次奪得智慧科技應用大獎的創新項目名為「Shall We Talk」,是一款智能錄音裝置,由五位三年級生合作研發,用於幫助長者社交溝通。裝置隨錄隨譯,可將聲音檔轉為熒幕文字顯示,易於操作,智能方便。而奪得優異獎項的則是一款名為「智能扶手消毒器」的智能消毒系統,針對車廂扶手進行智能消毒清潔,設計巧妙,創意十足。該系統由三位一年級生合作研發。