Youth College (International) Newsletter - Issue 1 (Feb 2022)
Our graduates securing admission at prestigious universities
We had our first cohort of graduates last summer. With over 90% of them pursuing further studies, some were admitted to local higher education institutions, including the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and City University of Hong Kong, while some were admitted to world-renowned overseas universities such as Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design and the University of Leeds. Both graduates in the photos are the awardees of the Wu Ho Loo Ning Scholarship, receiving around HK$140,000 to articulate to degree studies at THEi. 首屆工程及設計專業的畢業生超過九成選擇繼續升學,當中包括升讀本地及海外學府,例如香港高等教育科技學院、香港理工大學、香港城巿大學、英國中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院(Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design)及英國列斯大學(University of Leeds)。 照片中兩位畢業生皆為伍何露寧獎學金獲獎者,獲資助約十四萬港元升讀高科院學士學位課程。 |
(Left) PANG Chun Yip Evans, from the class of 2021 (Engineering), is now studying Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Surveying at THEi.(左)彭俊業(2021年工程專業畢業生),現於高科院攻讀測量學(榮譽)理學士。 (Right) LIU Tak Yu Jade, from the class of 2021 (Design), is now studying Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Landscape Architecture at THEi.(右)廖德瑜(2021年設計專業畢業生),現於高科院攻讀園境建築(榮譽)文學士。 |
Design graduate awarded HK$1.5M full scholarship
CHEUNG Ho Sam Hosea 張浩森 Class of 2021 (Design) 2021年設計專業畢業生 |
CHEUNG Ho Sam Hosea, a recent graduate of the Vocational Baccalaureate (Design) programme, was awarded the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme 2021/22. He is the first student from Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) background to receive this distinguished scholarship. The award scheme was launched by the Education Bureau in 2014 to support outstanding local students to pursue studies at prestigious universities outside Hong Kong. Each awardee receives close to HK$1.5 million as full scholarship. Hosea said the project-based learning approach adopted by the VB programme allowed him to learn the professional skills and knowledge from practical, hands-on experience. He is now studying architecture at Oxford Brookes University in the UK and he plans to return to Hong Kong after graduation in order to contribute to the society. |
設計專業畢業生張浩森成功獲香港卓越獎學金計劃頒發接近一百五十萬港元全額獎學金,入讀英國牛津布魯克斯大學建築系學士學位課程。浩森是第一位榮獲此殊榮的職業專才教育學生。香港卓越獎學金計劃於2014年由教育局推出,以資助本地傑出學生於香港境外升讀世界知名大學。浩森表示職專國際課程的專題研習學習模式,讓他透過「動手」掌握設計相關的應用技能和項目流程,從實踐中學習。他計劃完成學業後回港工作,貢獻社會。 |
First-year engineering students achieving outstanding results in Youth Hackathon
A team of five first-year engineering students (WONG Kar Shun Bailey, YEUNG Yan Lam Yanis, NG Muk Yan, CHEUNG Ka Ming and LAW Lok Yi) performed outstandingly in the Youth Hackathon at the Innovation and Technology Festival for Secondary School Students, securing the Judges' Star Award and the Most Popular Award with their innovative solution—Smart Handrail Sterilizer. A big vote of thanks to Mr LAM Ka Wai Gary, Lecturer (Engineering Section), for mentoring the team. 來自工程專業一年級的五人隊伍(黃嘉淳、楊欣臨、吳牧恩、張家銘及羅樂兒)於「中學生創新創意科技節」中舉辦的創科馬拉松上表現卓越,以「智能扶手消毒器」勇奪評審之星及最佳人氣獎。林嘉威先生(工程組講師)為參賽隊伍的顧問導師。 |
(From left) LAW Lok Yi, CHEUNG Ka Ming, NG Muk Yan, YEUNG Yan Lam Yanis and WONG Kar Shun Bailey (左起)羅樂兒、張家銘、吳牧恩、楊欣臨及黃嘉淳
Group photo of the award presenters and our awardees 與頒獎嘉賓合照
Presenting the Smart Handrail Sterilizer to the judges 向評審介紹智能扶手消毒器
Group photo of all the participating teams 一眾參賽隊伍大合照