Training Boards
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Training Boards
Training Boards (TBs) are established to determine the manpower demand of the industries they represent, and to recommend initiatives to meet such demand. They also play an important advisory role on setting out directions, strategic development and quality assurance mechanisms for VTC’s programmes.

With memberships comprising stakeholders in nearly all major economic sectors in Hong Kong, the TBs have been providing an effective platform for identifying and addressing issues related to manpower development, as well as vocational and professional education and training in Hong Kong.
Manpower Survey
To assess the manpower demand and training needs, Training Boards conduct full-scale manpower surveys for respective sectors in a four-year cycle, supplemented by manpower updates through focus groups and desk research. Findings and recommendations from these surveys provide the Government, the Council, training and educational institutions, and employers with useful information for future manpower planning as well as formulation of education and training policies.

Public can access to the latest manpower surveys and update reports via the web-based Manpower Survey Information System.
VTC Occupation Dictionary
The VTC Occupation Dictionary (OD) is a valuable resource for students and working adults interested in exploring the major local occupations and planning their career progression. This platform helps users navigate the different labour market opportunities and gives them a head start in their career planning. Moreover, users can explore education opportunities to acquire relevant knowledge and skills by looking at the skills and competencies required for specific jobs. Career assessment tools are also available for users to understand their personal aptitudes and career orientation. The OD is continuously updated to include new and emerging occupations in response to market changes. This innovative online platform has won several prestigious awards for its exceptional design, development, and user experience.
Training Schemes
The VTC offers industry-wide training schemes for technologist training and training on advanced technologies.

Engineering Graduate Training Scheme

By subsidising prospective employers, this scheme provides more training opportunities for local engineering graduates and helps them attain professional status with the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.

New Industrialisation and Technology Training Programme (NITTP)

The Programme aims at subsidising local companies on a 2:1 matching basis to train their staff in advanced technologies, especially those related to “New Industrialisation”.
VPET Assessments
The Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) Assessments cover various tests and assessments. including Trade Tests; Vocational Assessments; One Examination, Multiple Certification (OEMC); and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessments.

Trade Test

The objectives of the Trade Test are to develop specified skill standards, provide a way for in-service workers to obtain recognised qualifications, and enhance the status of skilled workers. VTC relevant Training Boards are tendering advice on various Trade Tests to ascertain that the specified skill standards have been attained.

The Trade Test Registry is responsible for providing administrative support to trade tests of electricians, escalator mechanics, lift mechanics, vehicle body repairers, vehicle electricians, vehicle mechanics, vehicle painters and mechanical fitters.

Vocational Assessment

Vocational Assessment (VA) is a territory-wide competency assessment (i.e. skills qualifications) offered by the VTC. It aims to provide a platform to enhance the professional level of the local workforce and ascertain that in-service practitioners / learners have attained the level of unified competency.

Currently, VTC is offering VA in Safety Use and Maintenance of Chainsaw Operation and Basic Tree Pruning for the Arboriculture Industry.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a mechanism under the Qualifications Framework (QF) which aims to recognise work experiences and competencies acquired by practitioners at the workplace. This mechanism provides an alternative route for practitioners to obtain QF-recognised qualifications and facilitates their subsequent progression in learning, and probably in careers.

Recognition of Prior Learning Unit, Vocational Training Council (VTC) was appointed by the Secretary for Education as an independent Assessment Agency to conduct the RPL assessment of nine industries, namely Automotive, Catering, Electrical & Mechanical Services, Hairdressing, Jewellery, Printing & Publishing, Property Management, Retail, and Watch & Clock.

One Examination, Multiple Certification

The One Examination, Multiple Certification (OEMC) system provides professional certification recognised in Hong Kong, Mainland and Macao. It demonstrates the technical standards of practitioners, encourages lifelong learning and makes practitioners more competitive and employable in the global market.

Through a standardised examination, candidates passing the relevant assessments will be awarded professional certification from the Vocational Assessment of Hong Kong, Certificate of Occupational Skill Level of Mainland China and Occupational Skills Certificate of Macao.