Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme (VPAS)

In the 2024/25 academic year, the VPAS covers skilled trades including "Aviation, Transport and Logistics", "Innovation and Technology", "Electrical and Mechanical Services", "Building, Civil Engineering and Built Environment" and "Maritime". In the 2025/26 academic year, the coverage of VPAS will also include skilled trades such as "Environmental Conservation", "Healthcare", "Life and Health Technology", "Laboratory Service", "E-commerce", "Property Management", and "Automobile Engineering". Please refer to the list below for the eligible VTC full-time Higher Diploma programmes.
Highlights of VPAS
- 2-year pilot scheme (admission for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 academic years)
- Targets non-local students (including those from Mainland China and other countries/regions1)
- Studying one of the 34 VPAS eligible VTC full-time2 Higher Diploma (2-year) programmes in 12 skilled trades3
- Can apply upon graduation to remain in Hong Kong to seek employment within the specified time frame under the VPAS
- Required to work full-time in a skilled trade relevant to their programmes of study
- Can apply for the right of abode in the HKSAR under the Immigration Ordinance after fulfilling the requirement of continuous residence for seven years and meeting other relevant criteria
(1) Non-local students enrolled in the VPAS eligible VTC full-time Higher Diploma programmes can apply upon graduation to remain in Hong Kong for employment in the skilled trades relevant to their programmes of study under the VPAS. However, applicants must reach the age of 18 or above when they submit their applications. This Scheme is not applicable to nationals of Afghanistan, Cuba, Laos, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Nepal and Vietnam.
(2) Non-local students must complete the VPAS eligible VTC full-time Higher Diploma programme within a maximum study period of three years to be eligible for VPAS application.
(3) In the 2024/25 academic year, the VPAS covers 27 eligible programmes in 5 skilled trades. An addition of 7 eligible programmes covering 7 more skilled trades will be included in the 2025/26 academic year, bringing the total number of VPAS eligible programmes to 34 for 2025/26 academic year, encompassing 12 skilled trades.
VPAS Eligible VTC Full-time Higher Diploma (2-year) Programmes
Environmental Conservation (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year)
Higher Diploma in Conservation and Tree Management | AS114109 | Health and Life Sciences |
Higher Diploma in Conservation and Tree Management (Medium of Instruction: Cantonese) | AS114109J | Health and Life Sciences |
Healthcare (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year)
Higher Diploma in Rehabilitation Services | AS114206 | Health and Life Sciences |
Higher Diploma in Rehabilitation Services (Medium of Instruction: Cantonese) | AS114206J | Health and Life Sciences |
Life and Health Technology (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year)
Higher Diploma in Biomedical Science | AS114205 | Health and Life Sciences |
Laboratory Service (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year)
Higher Diploma in Analytical Science | AS114103 | Health and Life Sciences |
E-commerce (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year)
Higher Diploma in Business with E-Commerce (Medium of Instruction: Putonghua) | BA114055K | Business |
Property Management (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year)
Higher Diploma in Real Estate and Property Management | BA114037 | Business |
Higher Diploma in Real Estate and Property Management (Medium of Instruction: Cantonese) | BA114037J | Business |
Higher Diploma in Real Estate and Property Management (Medium of Instruction: Putonghua) | BA114037K | Business |
Automobile Engineering (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year)
Higher Diploma in Automotive Engineering | EG114705 | Engineering |
Aviation, Transport and Logistics
Higher Diploma in Aviation and Logistics | BA114056 | Business |
Higher Diploma in Aviation and Logistics (Medium of Instruction: Putonghua) | BA114056K | Business |
Higher Diploma in Aviation Inflight and Passenger Services | BA114057 | Business |
Higher Diploma in Aviation Services and Transport Studies | BA114058 | Business |
Higher Diploma in Aviation Services and Transport Studies (Medium of Instruction: Putonghua) | BA114058K | Business |
Higher Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering | EG114704 | Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Aviation Systems and Operations | EG114738 | Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Airport Operations Management | HT114107 | Hospitality |
Higher Diploma in Airport Operations Management (Medium of Instruction: Putonghua) | HT114107K | Hospitality |
Innovation and Technology
Higher Diploma in Software Engineering | IT114105 | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in Game Software Development | IT114107 | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration | IT114115 | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in AI and Mobile Applications Development | IT114118 | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in Cybersecurity | IT114122 | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in AI and Smart Technology | IT114124 | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in Data Science and AI | IT114126 | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in Games and Animation | IT114206 | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in Games and Animation (Medium of Instruction: Putonghua) (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year) | IT114206K | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in Theme Park and Theatre Creative Technology | IT114208 | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in Multimedia, VR and Interactive Technology (Only applicable in the 2024/25 academic year and will be renamed to Higher Diploma in Digital Media Technology in the 2025/26 academic year) | IT114212 | Information Technology |
Higher Diploma in Digital Media Technology (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year) | IT114214 | Information Technology |
Electrical and Mechanical Services
Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering | EG114401 | Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering | EG114701 | Engineering |
Building, Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Higher Diploma in Architectural Design* | DE110512* | Design |
Higher Diploma in Landscape Architecture* | DE110512* | Design |
Higher Diploma in Landscape Architecture* (Medium of Instruction: Putonghua) (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year) | DE110512K* | Design |
Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering | EG114101 | Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Building Studies | EG114105 | Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Surveying | EG114111 | Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Architectural Technology and Design | EG114142 | Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Architectural Technology and Design (Medium of Instruction: Putonghua) (Applicable in the 2025/26 academic year) | EG114142K | Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Geospatial Science and Land Surveying | EG114143 | Engineering |
Higher Diploma in Building Services Engineering | EG114702 | Engineering |
* Applicant should apply for "Higher Diploma in Architecture, Interior and Landscape Design (Subject Group)" (DE110512/ DE110512K [Medium of Instruction: Putonghua]). The 1st semester is a common semester, students will progress to the professional programmes in the 2nd semester.
Higher Diploma in Maritime Studies | EG114712 | Engineering |
For more information about the programmes: Click Here
Industry Participation

VTC will seek further support from the industry on VPAS, including joint promotion of non-local student admission toVPAS eligible programmes, providing internship opportunities to students, conditional employment offers and full-time employment for graduates, as well as sponsorships and scholarships to attract non-local students to participate in the scheme.
Corporate Sponsorship Scheme

To attract and facilitate non-local students to study eligible higher diploma programmes in VTC and to work in the related skilled trades of Hong Kong, VTC will work with key industry partners to roll out the “Corporate Sponsorship Scheme” which is a customizable sponsorship package with the aim of encouraging and nurturing high-caliber talents for their successful career development in Hong Kong.
For Enquiries
Headquarters (Industry Partnership), Vocational Training Council
Phone: +852-3907 6780
Email: vpas_corp_enq@vtc.edu.hk
(Information of VPAS is subject to change in accordance with the latest update of the HKSAR Government)
(Information as of 11/2024)
Phone: +852-3907 6780
Email: vpas_corp_enq@vtc.edu.hk
(Information of VPAS is subject to change in accordance with the latest update of the HKSAR Government)
(Information as of 11/2024)
The information in this information leaflet/ website/ publicity material serves as reference only. The Vocational Training Council is not responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with any information in this information leaflet/ website/ publicity material. The Vocational Training Council reserves the right to omit, suspend or edit any information in information leaflet/website/ publicity material at any time in its absolute discretion without giving any reason or prior notice. The Vocational Training Council further reserves the right to change the eligibility criteria and details of the arrangements set out above from time to time without prior notice.