Page 42 - 職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2016/2017
P. 42

Enhancing quality assurance                                                  ਞၾሙ೻൙ᄲ ̋੶ሯ९ڭᗇ
          and programme accreditation
                                                                                       VTC 一向推行穩健的質素保證制度,採取
          The past year saw the VTC building    The VTC proactively seeks recognition of   「切合所需」原則,確保所提供的職業專才教
          momentum in upholding the quality     programmes from relevant accreditation   育課程與服務,切合本地行業和學生持續發
          standards of its programmes through a   bodies as part of the QA process. In   展的需要。
          robust quality assurance (QA) system.   2016/17, the DFS programme was       為持續提升質素保證制度,我們邀請澳紐的
          Based on a ‘fitness for purpose’      successfully re-accredited by the Hong Kong   海外專家,分享職業專才教育質素保證相關
          approach, the system helps ensure our   Council for Accreditation of Academic   的成功經驗。
          VPET programmes and services are      and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).   就質素保證工作方面,2016/17年度,基礎
          meeting the evolving needs of local   Seven VTC Degree programmes and 12     課程文憑成功通過香港學術及職業資歷評審局
          industries and our students.          non-local Degree programmes operated    覆審。年內,VTC 開辦的七項學位課程及 12
                                                by the VTC were also accredited or     項非本地學位課程分別通過該局的評審或覆
          In a bid to drive continuous improvement   re-accredited by the HKCAAVQ during   審;當中包括五項於 2017/18 學年開辦的
          of the QA system, overseas experts from   the year. Five of these are new Degree   新學位課程,以配合學生及業界的需求。
          New Zealand and Australia were invited to   programmes to be launched in 2017/18
          share their best practices and specialised   academic year to meet the needs of
          experience on the quality assurance of   students and industry.
          VPET programmes.

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