Page 47 - 職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2016/2017
P. 47




          Ꮄሯਿܔৣࢁ ࣧ෤ܵᚃ೯࢝

          The VTC endeavours to provide students   Construction of the new THEi campus in   VTC 竭力為學生提供具質素的學習環境,讓
          with a quality learning environment to   Chai Wan is under way with completion   他們盡展潛能。我們透過校舍發展和推動環
          achieve their full potential. Through   expected by the end of 2017. With its   保,締造可持續發展的空間,支援教與學。
          new campus developments and green     green architecture and state-of-the-art
          initiatives, we have created a supportive   teaching facilities, the modern campus   ɽۨܔணධͦ
          and sustainable environment in support   will provide students with a dynamic and
          of teaching and learning.             stimulating environment, facilitating their   各項大型建設項目在 2016/17 年內進展
                                                                                       良好。毗鄰 THEi 青衣校舍的 VTC 學生舍堂於
                                                learning outcomes.                     2017 年 1 月正式開幕,樓高 12 層的現代化
          Major capital projects                                                       住宿環境,讓 VTC 學生體驗充滿活力的社群
                                                Construction work for ICI is also underway
          Major capital projects made good      with planned completion in 2018,       生活。
          progress during 2016/17. In January   aiming to provide world-class training   興建中的 THEi 柴灣新校舍預計於 2017 年
          2017, the new VTC Halls of Residence,   in European, Mediterranean, American,   底落成。現代化的校園糅合綠色建築與先進
          located next to THEi (Tsing Yi), were   Asian and Middle-Eastern cuisines.   教學設施,有助激發創意,倍添學習成效。
          officially opened. The 12-storey halls                                       ICI 校舍亦在興建中,預計於 2018 年完成,
          provide students with modern residential                                     提供世界級的廚藝培訓, 包 括歐洲、地中
          living space and create a dynamic                                            海、美洲、亞洲及中東多國菜式。

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