Page 45 - 職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2016/2017
P. 45



          Through conducting practical social   A Research Centre for Waste and        VTC 透過社會及工商業應用研究項目,讓師
          and industrial research, the VTC’s staff   Resource Management was established   生接觸到業界的最新發展。我們為此提供相
          and students are further exposed to   in THEi’s Tsing Yi Campus in November   關的行政支援,包括成立督導委員會及研發
          the latest industry developments and   2016 with the RGC’s funding support.   支援組,研究種子撥款計劃、聘請替課教師
          needs. Necessary infrastructure support   The Centre endeavours to serve the local   計劃及研究員計劃等。
          has been put in place including the   community through research, technology
          establishment of a Steering Committee   transfer and education on solid waste   ᖢոධͦᅡಛ
          and Research Support Unit, as well as   management.                          IVE 和香港高等教育科技學院(THEi)成功
          the development of support schemes                                           獲得逾港幣 2,780 萬元撥款,進行應用研究
          such as the VTC Research Seed Funding   During the year, THEi participated in an   工作,撥款主要來自研究資助局、優質教育
          Scheme, Teaching Relief Scheme and    innovative teaching and research project   基金和環境及自然保育基金。
          Research Fellow Scheme.               to carry out a comparative analysis of
                                                European and Chinese building codes of   在研究資助局的撥款支持下,THEi於2016年
          Enhanced funding support              practice. Funded under the EU Erasmus+   11 月在青衣校園成立環境及資源管理研究
                                                programme, the project was co-ordinated   中心,致力研究固體廢物管理、技術轉移和
          IVE and Technological and Higher      by Balthasar-Neumann-Technikum in      相關教育工作,服務香港社會。
          Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi)   Trier, bringing together the University of   年 內,THEi 亦 透 過 參 加 創 新 教 學 與 研 究 項
          successfully secured funding of over   Luxembourg as well as the Riga Building   目,為歐洲及中國內地建築的業務守則進行
          HK$27.8 million for conducting applied   College for sharing of professional   比較分析。項目由歐盟伊拉斯謨獎學金計劃
          research. Major funding agencies include   practices.                        撥款、特里爾 Balthasar-Neumann-Technikum
          the Research Grants Council (RGC), the                                       技術學院統籌,並邀得盧森堡大學及 Riga 建
          Quality Education Fund and Environment                                       築學院一同參與,交流專業知識。
          and Conservation Fund.

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