Notes | - Medium of Instruction: Chinese supplemented with English terminology.
- Students may be required to attend classes on other VTC campuses. VTC reserves the right to cancel any programme, revise programme title, content or change the offering institute(s) / campus(es) / class venue(s) if circumstances so warrant.
- Students enrolling for this programme must maintain the health standards required of a food handler throughout the duration of training. This encompasses taking a medical check, at students' own expenses, which includes chest X-ray, urine routine, stool routine, stool culture, hepatitis A virus Ab lgG.
- For students who have a negative hepatitis A virus antibody result, a vaccine is recommended.
- Students are required to have a medical check, purchase the designated reference books, uniform and safety shoes where applicable, at their own costs. Institute reserves the rights not to admit students who fail to follow this clause.
- Items listed in the curriculum are key modules only, more modules are included in the programme.
- Applicants should have good sense of smell.
- Subject to training requirements, students may be arranged to attend lessons or to undergo practical training which may be scheduled on evenings, Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays at other campuses or venues.