Semester 1:
- Social Work Theories and Practice II (Working with Groups)
- Introduction to Sociology
- Social Welfare System and Social Policies
- Human Behaviour and Social Environment
- Social Work Skills Training Workshop
- Year 1 Class Tutorial (non-credit bearing): Pre-placement activities (Fundamentals of Social Work and Thematic Workshops)
- Essential Workplace Communication: Effective Oral Interaction
- Essential Workplace Communication: Digital Written Correspondence
- IT Essentials - Services
Semester 2:
- Social Work Theories and Practice I (Working with Individuals and Families)
- Human Behaviour and Social Environment
- Social Work Theories and Practice III (Working with Communities)
- Social Work Skills Training Workshop
- Health and Service Project (Social Work)
- Year 1 Class Tutorial (non-credit bearing): Pre-placement activities (Practicum Preparation)
- Elective (choose one of the following):
- Working with Young People
- Working with Elderly
- Working with People with Disabilities
- Vocational Chinese Communication: Putonghua Conversation and Reports
- Professional Workplace Communication: Storytelling and Job Search
- Enrichment Module B
(Completion of a minimum of 100 hours of Pre-placement Activities including student-driven pre-placement personal and professional growth activities)
Semester 3:
Semester 4:
- Service Administration and Management
- Understanding of Mental Health
- Ethics for Social Workers
- Year 2 Class Tutorial Workshop I: Integration of Theory and Practice
- Vocational Chinese Communication: Putonghua Presentations and Promotional Text Writing
- Professional Workplace Communication: Pitching and Persuasive Presentation
- Enrichment Module A
Semester 5:
- Fieldwork Placement II
- Year 2 Class Tutorial Workshop II: Professional Development
- Elective (choose one of the following):
- Working with Substance Abusers / Addictions
- Working with Children and Youth with Special Educational Needs
- Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Professional Workplace Communication: Proposal and Report Writing
- Whole Person Development - Enhancing Competencies in the 21st Century Workplace
(The Department reserves the right to provide any three of the electives.)