Year 1:
- GE Core Module: Chinese 1
- GE Core Module: Creativity & Innovation in Society
- Essential Chemistry
- Health Psychology
- General Biology
- Introduction to Hospital Services
- GE Core Module: English for Academic Studies 1
- Human Anatomy & Physiology
- Microbiology
- Nutritional Science
Year 2:
- GE Core Module: Entrepreneurial Mindset
- GE Elective Module 1#
- Food Chemistry
- Human Pathophysiology
- Healthcare Organisation & Management
- Principles & Practice of Clinical Care
- GE Core Module: A.I. and Blockchain in Society & Work
- GE Elective Module 2#
- Infection Control
- Principles & Practice of Rehabilitation
- Patient & Public Relations Management
Year 3:
- GE Core Module: Chinese 2
- GE Core Module: English for Academic Studies 2
- Advanced Nutrition & Human Development
- Healthcare Counselling Practice
- Primary Health Care & Health Promotion
- GE Core Module: English for Professional Purposes
- Nutritional Biochemistry
- Occupational Safety & Health Management
- Research Methods and Statistics
- Programme Elective 1^
- Work-integrated Learning*
Year 4:
- GE Elective Module 3
- Clinical Nutrition
- Human Resources & Healthcare Facilities Management
- Epidemiology & Public Health Management
- Final Year Project
- Programme Elective 2^
- GE Elective Module 4#
- Dietetics & Molecular Nutrition
- Legal & Ethical Issues in Healthcare Services
- Leadership & Strategic Management in Healthcare Services
^ Programme Elective:
- Applied Research and Creative Thinking
- Digital Healthcare
- Drug Safety and Rational Drug Use
- Food Biotechnology
- Functional Food Design
- Functional Food & Nutraceuticals
# Please visit
THEi’s website to learn more details of the GE Elective Modules.
* Students are also required to complete the Work-integrated Learning module before a Bachelor Degree is awarded.