The Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge (PEAK) provides a number of professional certification examinations in the areas of finance, insurance and security services.
Visit the PEAK website.
VTC is committed to providing quality vocational education and training opportunities. Professional assessment and examinations are introduced to help enhance the professional standard of industry practitioners.
The Institute of Professional Education And Knowledge (PEAK) provides a number of professional certification examinations in the areas of finance, insurance and security services.
Visit the PEAK website.
Pro-Act organises trade tests to help employees attain recognised qualifications. The Trade Test Registry supports trade tests in the fields of automobile, electrical and mechanical services and advanced manufacturing.
Vocational Assessment is a territory-wide competency assessment platform, through which in-service practitioners and trainees who have attained a unified competency level will be able to obtain a recognised qualification. The assessment helps industries standardise required skill levels, while making it easier for employers to identify the right talents.
VTC has built upon tripartite collaborations to develop the “One Examination, Multiple Certification” system. Through a standardised examination, candidates will obtain professional certifications recognised in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Macao, making them more competitive and employable in the market.
Visit the Vocational Assessment website.
VTC’s Putonghua Training and Testing Centre conducts Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC) on a regular basis in Hong Kong. The centre also can offer preparatory courses taught by experienced examiners to prepare candidates for the test.
For more details, please visit the Putonghua Training and Testing Centre website.
The Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (QF), introduced in 2008, is a system set up by the Government to rationalise and recognise academic, vocational and professional qualifications. The QF consists of seven levels covering qualifications that range from certificates to doctorates. The Qualifications Register (QR) is a centralised online database which contains all qualifications that have been quality assured under the QF. The majority of learning programmes offered by the VTC are on the QR, such as Higher Diploma (Qualifications at QF Level 4) and Diploma (Qualifications at QF Level 3) . For details of the QR and QF, please visit the respective and
VTC has gained the Programme Area Accreditation status from the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications. Many VTC programmes have been posted to the Qualification Register (QR). The curriculum structure and content of VTC programmes are designed with reference to the Specifications of Competency Standards, providing students with a clear and flexible progression pathway to attaining higher qualifications.
In support of the Qualifications Framework (QF), VTC has helped formulate the Specifications of Competency Standards for a variety of industries. It has also been appointed as an assessment agency for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Scheme.
For more details, please visit the RPL website.