VTC offers the following part-time programmes for different levels of school leavers and working adults:
Part-time Evening and Part-time Day Programmes
VTC offers various types of part-time evening and part-time day programmes, including Higher Diploma, Diploma of Foundation Studies, Diploma of Vocational Education, Certificate of Vocational Education and Certificate programmes, to provide a valued choice for school leavers and working adults to enhance their employability.
Programme & Admission
Details of entrance requirements and application procedures of Part-time programmes are listed on the VTC Admissions Homepage. You may refer to the section of Part-time Evening programmes and Part-time Day programmes on the VTC Admissions Homepage for reference.
Other Professional Programmes
To meet the diverse training and development needs of industries and working adults, VTC offers a wide range of part-time Professional Diploma / Professional Certificate programmes which provide more choices for peoples who seek for continuous professional development. In addition, it provides a broad spectrum of part-time short courses for working adults from various industries to enhance their professional knowledge and skills in their profession.