IVE helps students find their true calling and prizes innovation and creativity, which inspires me to turn my interest into a career.
Taylor Yip
- First Cohort IVE Graduate
- Chief Operating Officer of an IT Education Centre
The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) has provided opportunities for young people to develop an “interest- based” career and move up the articulation ladder leading to higher qualifications. Taylor Yip is a shining example of a new generation of talent who have and are pursuing their passion.
Taylor was among the first cohort of IVE graduates. Upon graduation from secondary school, he vacillated between the traditional academic and the VPET route. He finally followed his interest and chose the Higher Diploma in Information Technology programme with IVE. There he was able to realise his potential as the IVE programme stressed a balanced mix of theory and practice. IVE’s teaching team also encouraged students to find solutions to problems enhancing their soft skills. During his studies, Taylor partnered with his fellow schoolmates and developed a communication platform akin to the popular platforms today. As IVE programmes are well-recognised, upon graduation, he went on to study for a top-up bachelor’s degree programme in the UK to extend his horizons.
On his return to Hong Kong, he pursued a career in IT. Despite going through the Dotcom Bubble, Taylor persevered and founded an IT education centre. He was glad that he opted for VPET at the time based on personal interest because he was able to build a solid foundation and carve out a successful career for himself.