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S6 Full-time Programme Overview

Progression Pathways of VTC Programmes for Secondary School (S6 or HKDSE) Graduates:



Please click here for general entrance requirements of the programmes. For specific entrance requirements of individual programme, please refer to the details of Degree, Higher Diploma, Diploma of Foundation Studies, Diploma of Vocational Education and Diploma programmes in this homepage.

  1. Holders of the Diploma in Vocational Education / Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) (students admitted to DVE in AY2017/18 or before are required to complete prescribed further studies modules) and holders of Yi Jin Diploma / Diploma Yi Jin / Diploma of Applied Education are considered having met the general entrance requirements of Higher Diploma programmes (not applicable to programmes with specific entrance requirements).
  2. Students who have successfully completed the Diploma programmes offered by the Hospitality Discipline may articulate to Higher Diploma programmes offered by the Discipline. Offering of study place is subject to the applicants' relevant English language qualification and interview performance.
  3. THEi admits graduates from relevant Higher Diploma programmes into the senior years of its Degree programmes.
  4. Higher Diploma graduates can apply for admission to top-up Degree programmes offered by SHAPE in collaboration with overseas universities, or Degree programmes offered by local or overseas universities.



Quick links:
Degree | Higher Diploma | Diploma of Foundation Studies | Diploma of Vocational Education | Diploma