
成專才 成未來 Nurturing Future Professionals 升學階梯 Progression Ladder 升學及就業前景 Progression Pathways and Career Prospects 學生成就 Student Achivements 獎學金、獎勵及資助計劃 Scholarship, Award and Subsidy Schemes 收生程序 Admission Arrangement 第一部份 課程選擇及面試 Section 1 Programme Selection and Interview 第二部份 入學條件 Section 2 Entrance Requirements 第三部份 取錄結果公布及註冊 Section 3 Offer Announcement and Registration 第四部份 學費及經濟援助 Section 4 Tuition Fees and Financial Assistance 學習經歷 Learning Experiences 4 6 7 12 14 21 25 53 67 74 目錄 Contents

願景 VISION 成為亞太區卓越的職業專才教育機構 To be the leading provider of vocational and professional education and training (VPET) in the region

使命MISSION 為離校生及在職人士提供具價值的進修 選擇,協助培養正確觀念、掌握知識技 能、積極終身學習、提升就業競爭力 為業界提供具價值的支援,促進行業 人力發展 To provide a valued choice to school leavers and working adults to acquire values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability To provide valued supports to industries for their manpower development

4 香港高等教育科技學院開辦以「應用科學為本」的學士學位課程。 課程理論和實用兼備,注重通識及專業教育。 THEi provides applied science-oriented degree programmes with a fine balance of theory, practical, general education and industry / profession-specific modules. 香港專業教育學院提供多元學科課程,涵蓋高級文憑至證書課程, 為業界提供具價值的人才。 IVE provides courses covering different disciplines and at levels ranging from higher diploma to certificate, nurturing talents valued by industries. 香港知專設計學院作為香港卓越的設計院校,致力提供優質設計課 程,為創意工業培育專才。 HKDI is a leading design institution in Hong Kong, providing quality design education to nurture new talents needed by the creative industries. 香港資訊科技學院開辦全面的資訊科技及相關技術課程,並提供終 身學習機會,為蓬勃發展的資訊科技業培育專才。 HKIIT provides a comprehensive range of IT and relevant technology programmes. It also provides lifelong learning opportunities to nurture talents for the development of a vibrant and thriving IT sector. 酒店及旅遊學院為有意投身酒店款接業的中學畢業生及業界人士提 供優質的專業教育及培訓。 HTI provides professional training to secondary school leavers and in-service professionals with an aspiration to enter the hospitality industry. 職業訓練局(VTC)於1982年成立,是香港最具規模的職業專才教育機構,轄下機構成員眾多,開辦課程種類廣 博,頒授各類認可資歷,為年輕人提供多元及具價值的進修良機,讓同學掌握專業技術知識,並培養學習熱 忱,引領他們踏上成功之路。 以下VTC機構成員為中六同學開辦學士學位、高級文憑、基礎課程文憑、職專文憑及文憑課程: 成專才 成未來 Nurturing Future Professionals

5 Established in 1982, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. VTC draws strength from the number of Member Institutions, breadth of programmes and variety of accredited qualifications to provide the youth various valued choices cultivating the passions for learning while imparting the necessary skills and know-how for success. The following VTC’s member institutions offer Degree, Higher Diploma, Diploma of Foundation Studies, Diploma of Vocational Education and Diploma programmes to Secondary 6 students: 中華廚藝學院為有志投身飲食業人士及在職廚師提供中廚及餐飲管 理訓練。 CCI provides training in Chinese culinary skills and catering management to beginners and practising chefs in the industry. 國際廚藝學院開辦多元專業課程,提供廚藝培訓、葡萄酒及項目管理 課程。 ICI offers a wide range of quality professional programmes to train talents in culinary arts, wine and event management. 海事訓練學院為中學畢業生、本地及外國海員,以及海事及岸上機 構僱員提供一系列海事訓練課程。 MSTI provides courses for secondary school leavers, local and foreign in-service seafarers and employees of marine-related and shore-based industries. 青年學院為青少年提供全日制課程,為將來升學或就業作好準備。 Youth College offers full-time programmes for youths to acquire knowledge and skills for further studies and employment.

6 部份課程設有特定入學條件,請參閱第28頁至第29頁。 Some programmes stipulate specific entrance requirements for admission, please refer to P.28 to P.29. 1. 持中專教育文憑 / 職專文憑的畢業生(於2017/18學年或以前入讀的學生須完成指定升學單元)及毅進文憑 / 應用教育文憑畢業生,符 合報讀高級文憑課程的一般入學條件(設有特定入學條件的課程除外)。 Holders of Diploma in Vocational Education / Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) (students ​admitted to DVE in AY2017/18 or before are required to complete prescribed further studies ​modules) and holders of Yi Jin Diploma / Diploma Yi Jin / Diploma of Applied Education are considered having met the general ​entrance requirements of Higher Diploma programmes (not applicable to programmes with s​pecific entrance requirements). 2. 學生完成酒店及旅遊學科之文憑課程後可升讀由學科提供的高級文憑課程。取錄與否需視乎申請人之相關英語能力資格及面試表 現。 Students who have successfully completed the Diploma programmes offered by the Hospitality Discipline may articulate to Higher Diploma programmes offered by the Discipline. Offering of study place is subject to the applicants’ relevant English language qualification and interview performance. 3. THEi高科院提供學位銜接課程予相關的高級文憑畢業生。 THEi admits graduates from relevant Higher Diploma programmes into the senior years of its D​ egree programmes. 4. 高級文憑畢業生可申請報讀SHAPE與海外大學協辦的學士學位銜接課程或由本地或海外大學開辦的學士學位課程。 Higher Diploma graduates can apply for admission to top-up Degree programmes offered by SHAPE in collaboration with overseas universities, or Degree programmes offered by local or overseas universities. 升學階梯 Progression Ladder 香港中學 文憑考試 HKDSE 22222 香港中學 文憑考試 HKDSE 332A2 學士學位課程 3 Degree Programmes 3 銜接學士學位課程 4 Top-up Degree Programmes 4 學士學位課程 4 Degree Programmes 4 級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes 基礎課程文憑 Diploma of Foundation Studies Programme 職專文憑課程 1 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes1 文憑課程 2 Diploma Programmes 2 完成中六 Completion of S6

7 約96% 約90% 選擇繼續升學的畢業生 選擇投身專業的畢業生 成功升讀本地 / 海外大學學士學位^ 就業率^ 高級文憑 升學.就業 多元出路 升讀學士學位課程 Progression to Degree Programmes 選擇繼續升學的高級文憑畢業生約 96%^ 成功升讀全日制學士學位課程。 Around 96%^ Higher Diploma graduates articulate to full-time Degree programmes. 高級文憑畢業生多元升學途徑: Progression Pathways for Higher Diploma Graduates: • 本地學士學位課程 Local Degree Programmes • 香港高等教育科技學院(THEi高科院)開辦的學士學位課程 Degree programmes offered by the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) • SHAPE (VTC機構成員) 與海外大學協辦的學士學位銜接課程 SHAPE (VTC’s Member Institution) Top-up Degree Programmes in collaboration with Overseas Universities • 本地大學 / 院校與海外大學協辦的學士學位銜接課程 Local Universities / Institutions Top-up Degree Programmes in collaboration with Overseas Universities • 海外學士學位課程 Overseas Degree Programmes 就業前景 Career Prospects VTC高級文憑課程設計兼備理論與實踐根基,課程包括行業實習或體驗,加強學生的實戰經驗。業界機構及僱主 均樂於聘請 VTC 學生,畢業生的專業知識及技能廣獲業界肯定。選擇投身專業的畢業生就業率平均約90%^。 VTC Higher Diploma programmes combine theoretical knowledge with practical training, enabling students to gain valuable experiences through workplace attachment programmes or experiential learning. VTC students and graduates are well-recognised for their professional knowledge and skills, and corporations and employers are willing to hire them. The employment rate of VTC Higher Diploma graduates is around 90% on average^. ^ 資料來源︰過去3年 IVE / HKDI / ICI全日制畢業生就業調查(截至 2024年3月) ^ Source: Employment Survey of Graduates of Full-time IVE / HKDI / ICI Programmes in the past 3 years (as at March 2024) 升學及就業前景 Progression Pathways and Career Prospects

8 課程涵蓋了各種範疇,從科學到不同的污染問 題,從生態到微生物等。而透過實習,我更找到 自己的路向。 The programme covers a variety of modules, from science to different pollution issues, from ecology to microbiology etc. Different industrial attachment experiences also helped me to find my way to ecology and conservation. 學院配備緊貼業界水平的電腦設備,並為我們提供不少實 踐機會,讓我們更好地在資訊科技領域鑽研發展。 The programme provides state-of-the-art hardware, software and job attachment to learn and practise our skills, which also enlightens our development direction in the IT industry. 許家耀 HUI Ka Yiu 環境保護及環境管理高級文憑 英國普利茅斯大學環境科學(榮譽)理學士 英國倫敦大學皇家獸醫學院野生動物生物學碩士 嘉道理農場暨植物園助理項目主任 Graduate of HD in Environmental Protection and Management BSc(Hons) Environmental Science, Plymouth University, UK Master in Wild Animal Biology, Royal Veterinary College, University of London, UK Assistant Project Officer, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden 楊家濠 YEUNG Ka Ho 數據科學及分析高級文憑 西英格蘭大學資訊科技(榮譽)理學士 香港科技創新促進組議會成員 森柏斯香港有限公司項目經理 Graduate of HD in Data Sciences and Analytics BSc (Hons) Information Technology, The University of the West of England Bristol, UK Council Member, Hong Kong Technology Advancement Group (HKTAG) Project Manager, Sampras (HK) Limited 畢業生分享 Graduate Sharing 升學及就業前景 Progression Pathways and Career Prospects

9 香港高等教育科技學院(THEi高科院) Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) 高級文憑畢業生可報讀由VTC機構成員香港高等教育科技學院(THEi高科院)開辦的銜接學位課程。於2024/25學 年,THEi將透過屬下的建造、環境及工程、設計及建築、數碼創新及科技、食品及健康科學、酒店餐飲及工商 管理與運動及康樂六個學系,開辦25個糅合專業知識、實際應用及通識教育的銜接學位課程,以培育專業幹練 的畢業生。 Higher Diploma graduates may apply for admission to the senior years of degree programmes offered by the VTC through the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi). In Academic Year 2024/25, THEi will offer 25 Top-up degree programmes with articulation opportunities across the six departments of Construction, Environment and Engineering, Design and Architecture, Digital Innovation and Technology, Food and Health Sciences, Hospitality and Business Management and Sport and Recreation, which feature a fine balance of theory, practice and general education in order to produce professionally-competent and work-ready graduates. 對產品設計的快樂學習豐富了我的生活。從想像到 成功製作自己的設計是一種有趣且有益的經歷。 課程為我們提供了不同的學習體驗。除了 理論知識,還有很多與業界的合作項目,如 HKSTP和Lidl。與傳統的課堂學習不同,我們 的設計需要從機制、技術、生產等各個方面來滿 足真實客戶的要求。這些具有挑戰性的機會拓寬了 我的思維並提高了我的溝通技巧。 The joyful study of product design has enriched my life. Going from imagining to successfully making my own design is an interesting and rewarding experience. The courses provided different learning experiences for us. Apart from the theoretical knowledge, there are also many cooperative projects with the industry, such as HKSTP and Lidl. Unlike traditional classroom learning, our design needs to meet the requirements of real customers by considering all aspects, such as mechanism, technology and production. These challenging opportunities broadened my thinking and enhance my communication skills. 劉康藍 LIU Kanglan, Connie 產品設計(榮譽)文學士 眼鏡產品製造商設計師 Graduate of BA (Hons) in Product Design Designer of a eyewear product manufacturer 畢業生分享 Graduate Sharing

10 才晉高等教育學院 School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) 才晉高等教育學院與備受國際認可的英國、澳洲及內地大學合作,為VTC高級文憑畢業生及持副學位之人士提供 銜接學士學位課程。 In collaboration with world-recognised universities from the UK, Australia, and Mainland China, SHAPE offers top-up degree programmes across a wide range of professions to VTC’s Higher Diploma graduates and eligible sub-degree holders. SHAPE的優勢 Why SHAPE 1年完成*,海外課程 1 Year of study* • 持相關高級文憑 / 副學士的畢業生,一年便可修畢海外學士學位 Fast track for relevant Higher Diploma / Associate Degree graduates to complete an overseas degree 2地講師,拓展視野 2 Networks • 所有課程均由伙伴大學及本地講師教授 All programmes are jointly taught by local and overseas university lecturers 3重認證,國際認可 3 Recognitions • 所有畢業證書由伙伴大學頒授 All graduation certifications are awarded by partner universities • 所有英國、澳洲課程獲QF Level 5^,學歷等同本地大學學位,可投考政府工和銜接碩士課程 All UK and Australian programmes are recognised at QF Level 5^, SHAPE top-ups meet the standard of locally-accredited bachelor’s degree programmes. Graduates can apply for Civil Service positions or pursue further studies at Master’s degree level • 大部份工程課程獲本地 / 海外專業學會認可 Most engineering programmes are recognised by local / overseas professional bodies 高資助 High Subsidies • 所有課程均享有資助 / 獎學金 Subsidies / Scholarships available to all programmes * 適用於所有全日制英國課程 Applicable to all full-time UK programmes ^ 有關SHAPE已獲取資歷架構第5級認可英國、澳洲課程之詳情,包括資歷級別、資歷名冊登記號碼及有效期等,請瀏覽 www.shape.edu.hk 內的個別課 程網頁。 For details on SHAPE’s UK and Australian programmes recognised at QF Level 5, including QF Level, QR registration number & validity period, please visit respective programme pages at www.shape.edu.hk 有關最新課程資訊、學費、資助、獎學金、資歷名冊編號、有效期及專業學會認可之詳情,請瀏覽www.shape.edu.hk。 For details on latest programme information, tuition fee, subsidies, scholarships, QR registration number / validity period, and professional recognition, please refer to www.shape.edu.hk. 升學及就業前景 Progression Pathways and Career Prospects

11 政府免入息審查學費資助 Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme (NMTSS) 政府提供免入息審查資助予合資格的學生修讀由香港高等教育科技學院(THEi高科院)和才晉高等教育學院 (SHAPE)開辦的全日制自資學士學位及經本地評審的銜接學位課程。於2024/25學年,資助金額為每年 HK$34,390。有關資助計劃詳情及申請資格,請瀏覽https://www.cspe.edu.hk/tc/nmt/index.html。 The Government provides the Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme (NMTSS) for eligible students pursuing full-time self-financed undergraduates and locally accredited top-up degree programmes offered by THEi and SHAPE. The subsidy amount is HK$34,390 per year for AY2024/25. For details on NMTSS and eligibility requirements, please visit https://www.cspe.edu.hk/en/nmt/index.html. SHAPE伙伴大學 Partner Universities of SHAPE 澳洲 Australia 內地 Mainland China 英國 UK 英國講師的教學,讓我了解香港和英國的文化差異,以及 可持續發展概念的重要性。我以一級榮譽畢業,並完成了建 築學碩士課程,正朝着成為建築師的目標進發。 The modules taught by the UK lecturers allowed me to experience cultural differences between Hong Kong and the UK, and understand the importance of “community” and “sustainable development” concepts. I graduated with first class honours and have completed a Master Degree in Architecture at the University of South Australia to pursue my career goal as an architect. 盧潔瑤 LO Kit Yiu, Yumi 建築設計及科技高級文憑 英國中央蘭開夏大學建築學(榮譽)理學士(與SHAPE合辦)^ 澳洲南澳大學建築學碩士 HD in Architectural Design and Technology BSc (Hons) Architectural Studies, University of Central Lancashire (in collaboration with SHAPE)^ Master of Architecture, University of South Australia, Australia 畢業生分享 Graduate Sharing ^ 註冊編號: 252562(3)。個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。 Reg. No.: 252562(3). It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead.

12 VTC學生積極參與不同類型的比賽和活動,應用從學習所得的知識和技能,發揮所長,在比賽中屢獲殊榮。 VTC students actively participated in a variety of competitions and activities. Applying the knowledge skills learned from their studies, they are honoured to be awarded for their efforts. 「第四十一屆香港電影金像獎學生海報設計比賽」 冠軍 Champion of the 41st Hong Kong Film Awards Student Poster Design Competition 香港咖啡紅茶協會舉辦的「國際及大灣區金茶 王大賽2023」-(港式奶茶)冠軍 Champion of International and Greater Bay Area KamCha Competition 2023 (Hong Kong Milk Tea) hosted by the Association of Coffee and Tea 「第二十四屆香港珠寶設計比賽」 獲得學生組冠軍及最佳工藝獎 Winning championship of Student Group and Craftsmanship and Technology Award in the 24th Hong Kong Jewellery Design Competition Apple WWDC23 Swift Student Challenge 得獎者 The winner of Apple WWDC23 Swift Student Challenge 學生成就 Student Achievements

13 與全球領先的金融機構摩根大通 (J.P. Morgan)攜手展開為期2年的 「醫護精英計劃」 Collaborated with J.P. Morgan, a leading global financial services firm, to introduce a two-year Healthcare Talent Programme 「智SMART新生活」創意工程及建築設計比 賽奪得金獎及最佳創意設計獎 Awarded Gold Award and Most Creative Design Award in Innovation Design Competition Exhibition 香港會計師公會商業個案比賽2022 - 冠軍 Champion of HKICPA Business Case Competition 2022 於「教育及職業博覽 2023」展出由IVE機械工程學高級文 憑,以及人工智能及機械人學高級文憑學生合作,運用 AI、機械人編程和數據分析等技術,為業界開發的「 機械狗」(AI Robo Dog)新增功能 The AI Robo Dog showcased at the Education & Careers Expo 2023 is a collaboration between students of IVE’s Higher Diploma programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics. Together, they have applied their strong know-how in AI, robotic programming and analytics to enhance the functions of a robotic dog developed by industry. 在瑞典舉行的「世界技能大賽」中, 奪得櫥窗設計項目奪金牌 Won the Gold Medal in Visual Merchandising trade of the Worldskills Competition, Sweden 2023建造業議會建築 信息模擬比賽 - 冠軍 Champion of CIC BIM Competition 2023

14 獎學金、獎勵及資助計劃 Scholarship, Award and Subsidy Schemes 受惠於香港特別行政區政府、工商界、專業團體及熱心人士的慷慨捐助,VTC每年頒發獎學金表揚表現出色的學 生,和鼓勵同學積極參與全人發展活動。此外,香港特別行政區政府亦推出專上學生海外交流資助計劃,資助 有經濟需要同學參與海外交流活動。 The VTC receives generous donations of scholarships from various partners including the Government of HKSAR, industries, professional bodies and individuals. Scholarships are awarded to students in the academic year in recognition of their outstanding achievements and to encourage their all-rounded development. Besides, The Government of HKSAR has introduced subsidy schemes on exchange for post-secondary students to subsidise financially needy students to participate in outbound exchange programmes. 新生入學獎學金 Scholarships for New Students VTC設有入學獎勵計劃,獎勵以優良成績入讀學士學位及高級文憑課程的新生。 VTC has set up admission scholarship schemes to award and recognise new students enrolling in Degree and Higher Diploma programmes who achieved outstanding results in their academic results prior to joining VTC. • 高級文憑課程卓越新生獎學金計劃 Higher Diploma Programme Outstanding Achievements Admission Scholarship Scheme 「高級文憑課程卓越新生獎學金」為入讀香港專業教育學院(IVE)、香港知專設計學院(HKDI)、香港資訊科 技學院(HKIIT)、國際廚藝學院(ICI)、中華廚藝學院(CCI)及海事訓練學院(MSTI)的全日制高級文憑課程新生而 設。 “Higher Diploma Programme Outstanding Achievements Admission Scholarship” is set up for new students who enroll in full-time Higher Diploma programmes of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT), International Culinary Institute (ICI), Chinese Culinary Institute (CCI) and Maritime Services Training Institute (MSTI). HK$60,000 第一學年 Year 1 HK$30,000 及 and 第二學年 Year 2 HK$30,000 HK$15,000 HK$30,000 香港中學文憑考試最佳五科成績總和達25分或以上(必須包 括中國語文及英國語文);及中國語文及英國語文科成績達第 2級 Total score of 25 or above for the best 5 HKDSE subjects (must include Chinese Language and English Language); and Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Chinese Language and English Language 香港中學文憑考試最佳五科成績總和達18 - 19分(必須包括中 國語文及英國語文);及中國語文及英國語文科成績達第2級 Total score of 18 - 19 for the best 5 HKDSE subjects (must include Chinese Language and English Language); and Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Chinese Language and English Language 香港中學文憑考試最佳五科成績總和達20 - 24分(必須包括中 國語文及英國語文);及中國語文及英國語文科成績達第2級 Total score of 20 - 24 for the best 5 HKDSE subjects (must include Chinese Language and English Language); and Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Chinese Language and English Language 獎學金金額 Scholarship Amount 資格 Requirements

15 • 廠商會檢定中心卓越新生獎學金 CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories Admission Scholarship 由香港中華廠商聯合會工業發展基金慷慨捐助的「廠商會檢定中心卓越新生獎學金」,提供獎學金予入讀與 檢定及認證相關的全日制高級文憑課程新生。 With generous donation from the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA) Industrial Development Foundation Limited, the “CMA Testing and Certification Laboratories Admission Scholarship” is awarded to new students who enroll in full-time Higher Diploma Programmes relating to the testing and certification industry. 健康及生命科學學科 Health and Life Sciences Discipline • 化驗科學 Analytical Science • 生物醫學 Biomedical Science • 生物科技 Biotechnology • 環境保護(科目組) Environmental Protection (Subject Group) • 環境科學 Environmental Science • 食品科技及安全 Food Technology and Safety 工程學科 Engineering Discipline • 人工智能及機械人學 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics • 電腦及數據工程 Computer and Data Engineering • 電腦及電子工程 Computer and Electronic Engineering • 電機工程 Electrical Engineering • 環境保護(科目組) Environmental Protection (Subject Group) • 機械工程學 Mechanical Engineering HK$60,000 第一學年 Year 1 HK$30,000 及 and 第二學年 Year 2 HK$30,000 HK$15,000 HK$30,000 香港中學文憑考試最佳五科成績總和達25分或以上(必須包 括中國語文及英國語文);及中國語文及英國語文科成績達第 2級 Total score of 25 or above for the best 5 HKDSE subjects (must include Chinese Language and English Language); and Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Chinese Language and English Language 香港中學文憑考試最佳五科成績總和達18 - 19分(必須包括中 國語文及英國語文);及中國語文及英國語文科成績達第2級 Total score of 18 - 19 for the best 5 HKDSE subjects (must include Chinese Language and English Language); and Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Chinese Language and English Language 香港中學文憑考試最佳五科成績總和達20 - 24分(必須包括中 國語文及英國語文);及中國語文及英國語文科成績達第2級 Total score of 20 - 24 for the best 5 HKDSE subjects (must include Chinese Language and English Language); and Level 2 or above in the HKDSE Chinese Language and English Language 獎學金金額 Scholarship Amount 資格 Requirements 檢定及認證相關的高級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes related to Testing and Certification Industry

16 • 學士學位課程獎學金計劃 Degree Programme Scholarship Schemes 香港高等教育科技學院(THEi高科院)提供以應用科學為本的學士學位課程,糅合專業知識與實際應用,並鼓 勵學生透過多元學習經歷,發展領導才能及通用技能。學院設有「入學獎學金」,頒予在香港中學文憑試 (HKDSE)或國際文憑課程(IBDP)表現出色而入讀指定學士學位課程的一年級新生,獎勵金額可達連續四年全 額學費。 The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) provides appiled science-oriented degree programmes with a fine balance of professional knowledge and practices. It is committed to developing the leadership skills and generic competencies of students through diversified learning experiences. THEi has set up an “Entrance Scholarship Scheme” in recognition of the all-round performance of outstanding Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) of new Year-1 students who enroll in designated degree programmes. The scheme offers scholarships with award amount up to full scholarship covering four consecutive years of studies per award. 衷心感謝THEi高科院頒發獎學金給我,讓我能裝備自己, 朝著目標而努力。課程理論與實踐並重,在鍛鍊廚藝技巧的 同時,我亦學會從不同角度及層次思考商業管理問題,有助日 後從事相關管理工作。 I would like to sincerely thank THEi for awarding the scholarship to me so that I can equip myself and move towards my goal. The course curriculum focus on both theoretical and practical aspects, allowing me to gain comprehensive knowledge in business management from various perspectives and levels while acquiring cooking skills at the same time. I believe such combination could contribute to my engagement in the future of work. 獲得入學獎學金我深感榮幸。院校對應用科學的追求 與我的職涯規劃不謀而合。它激發了我追求成功的決 心,並深化我對學習的堅定信念。我很感激這個機會,並 將全力以赴,實現我投身測量界的夢想。 It is a tremendous honour to receive this Entrance Scholarship. It fuels my determination to succeed and reinforces my belief in the power of learning. I am grateful for this opportunity to achieve my dreams in the surveying industry. 尹靜雯 YIN Jingwen 2023/24年度THEi高科院入學獎學金得主 現修讀廚藝及管理(榮譽)文學士 2023/24 THEi Entrance Scolarship Awardee Current Student of BA (Hons) in Culinary Arts and Management 吳珈叡 NG Ka Yui 2023/24年度THEi高科院入學獎學金得主 現修讀測量學(榮譽)理學士 2023/24 THEi Entrance Scolarship Awardee Current Student of BSc (Hons) in Surveying 獎學金、獎勵及資助計劃 Scholarship, Award and Subsidy Schemes

17 卓越表現獎學金 Scholarships to Recognise Outstanding Performance 卓越表現獎學金為表揚及獎勵在VTC就讀期間有傑出表現的學生。 These scholarships aim to recognise and reward students who have achieved outstanding performance during their studies in VTC. • 伍達倫博士紀念傑出學生獎勵計劃 Dr Ng Tat-lun Memorial Outstanding Students Award Scheme • 香港特別行政區政府獎學基金 / 自資專上獎學金計劃 The HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund / Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme • 其士集團獎學金 Chevalier Group Scholarship • 滙豐職業教育獎學金 HSBC Vocational Education Scholarship • THEi高科院卓越表現獎學金 THEi’ s Scholarship for Excellent Performance

18 外展參與獎學金及資助計劃 Scholarships / Subsidy Schemes to encourage Out-reaching Participation 外展參與獎學金 / 資助計劃為鼓勵VTC學生參與外展及交流活動以擴闊視野及增潤個人履歷。 These scholarships / subsidy schemes aim to encourage students to participate in out-reaching and exchange activities to broaden their outlook and enrich their personal portfolios. • 香港特別行政區政府海外交流資助計劃 The HKSAR Government Subsidy Schemes for Exchange Activities • 楊啟彥先生紀念獎學金 Mr Yeung Kai-yin Memorial Scholarship • 鄭桂生先生紀念獎學金 Mr K S Cheng Memorial Scholarship 升學獎學金 Scholarships for Further Studies 升學獎學金為協助VTC學生在畢業後在本地或到海外升學,以助他們在事業上進一步實踐理想。 These scholarships assist outstanding VTC students to pursue further studies after their graduation, both locally and overseas, and enable them to realise their career aspirations. 獎學金、獎勵及資助計劃 Scholarship, Award and Subsidy Schemes • 扶輪香港職訓獎學金 Rotary Hong Kong Vocational Scholarship • 香港賽馬會獎學金 – 職業教育獎學金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships – Vocational Education Scholarship

19 賀維雅基金會獎學金 Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship 賀維雅基金會向VTC科學或科技相關學科的畢業生及學生提供三種獎學金,分別是「賀維雅基金會碩士學習獎學 金」、「賀維雅基金會學位獎學金」和「賀維雅基金會學術交流獎學金」,以資助他們在英國的大學進修。這 些獎學金包括學費、住宿、生活費和機票,每年資助金額介乎27,350至39,350英鎊。自2004年設立該獎學金 以來,已有200多名VTC畢業生和學生在該計劃下獲得獎學金資助,前往英國進修。 The Alistair Harvey Foundation offers three scholarships, namely the “Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship for Masters Study”, “Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship for Degree Study” and “Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship for Academic Exchange” to VTC students and graduates from the science and technology related disciplines with the financial assistance, ranging from £27,350 to £39,350 for one academic year, for pursuing further studies at universities in the UK. The Scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, and airfare. Since the Scholarships’ inception in 2004, more than 200 VTC students and graduates have been awarded to pursue further studies in the UK. 獎學金讓我有機會在英國攻讀學士和碩士學 位,並體驗不同的教育體系與多元文化教育。 它讓我能夠專注於學習,無需擔心經濟負擔。跳 出舒適區,克服語言障礙,以及學習照顧自己的經 歷,都讓我成為一個更成熟的人。我非常感激一路遇上 無數的學習和發展機會。 With the aid of the scholarship, I have had the opportunity to pursue my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the UK, immersing myself in a different educational system and diverse cultures. This valuable support has relieved me of financial burdens, enabling me to focus on my studies. Furthermore, this experience has pushed me out of my comfort zone, allowing me to overcome language barriers, and take care of myself. As a result, I have grown into a more mature person. I am deeply thankful for the boundless opportunities that have been bestowed upon me for learning and development. 陳智豪 Super CHAN 賀維雅基金會獎學金得主 軟件工程高級文憑 英國艾塞克斯大學電腦科學榮譽學士 現修讀英國愛丁堡大學高效能計算技術碩士 Alistair Harvey Foundation Scholarship Awardee Graduate of HD in Software Engineering BSc (Hons) in Computer Science, University of Essex, UK Current student of MSc High Performance Computing, The University of Edinburgh, UK

20 香港賽馬會獎學金 - 職業教育獎學金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships – Vocational Education Scholarship 獎學金為具熱誠並對社會有承擔的VTC高級文憑畢業生而設,資助他們到海外大學修讀有關設計學科、工程學科 (航空、海事、環境、建築學),和酒店及旅遊學科的學士學位課程。獎學金包括三年大學學費、住宿、生活費、 來回香港機票及學習交流 / 實地考察所需費用,每年的最高資助額可達港幣500,000元。 另外香港賽馬會慈善信託基金亦為青年學院每年提供15個獎學金,鼓勵具熱誠並對社會有承擔的職專文憑畢業 生升讀VTC的高級文憑課程,資助高達兩年學費,每年上限港幣66,400元。 The Oversea Study Scholarship aims to support dedicated and socially committed VTC Higher Diploma graduates to pursue further studies at the undergraduate level in overseas institutions in the Disciplines of Design, Engineering (applicable to aerospace / marine / environmental / architecture studies) and Hospitality. The Scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation fees, living expenses, airfares and expenses on study trips / field trips for up to three academic years, capped at HK$500,000 per study year. In addition, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust also offers 15 scholarships to encourage dedicated and socially committed Youth College graduates to pursue Higher Diploma studies at VTC. Each scholarship covers the tuition fees capped at HK$66,400 per year, for up to two years. 我很榮幸成為香港賽馬會 - 職業教育獎學金的 得獎學生,這次機會讓我可以到澳洲升讀海外大 學。除了學習之外,我還可以在大學及社區的活動 中學習到更多,豐富我的生活體驗及達到人生目標。 I am honoured to be one of the awardees of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships – Vocational Education Scholarship for Degree Study Overseas. I was given the opportunity to further my degree studies in Australia. Other than study, I also had the chances to participate in various university and community activities to enrich myself and reach my goal. 謝曜聰 Isaac TSE 香港賽馬會獎學金 - 職業教育獎學金得主 航行學高級文憑 澳洲南澳大學航空學士(飛行) The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships – Vocational Education Scholarship Awardee Graduate of HD in Aviation Bachelor of Aviation (Flight), University of South Australia, Australia 請瀏覽入學網頁 (https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission) 查閱有關以上及其他獎學金及獎勵計劃資料。 Please visit the Admissions Homepage (https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission) for information of the above and other Scholarship and Award Schemes. 獎學金、獎勵及資助計劃 Scholarship, Award and Subsidy Schemes

第一部份 Section 1 課程選擇及面試 Programme Selection and Interview

22 第一部份 Section 1 課程選擇及面試 Programme Selection and Interview 更改課程選擇 • 於4月2日或之前遞交入學申請的申請人可於下列期間更改課程選擇: Change of Programme Choice • Applicants who have submitted application on or before 2 April may change their programme choices during the following period: 最多8項課程,其中包括最多 • 1項學士學位課程; • 3項高級文憑課程; • 2項基礎課程文憑;及 • 2項職專文憑課程 / 文憑課程 (如所選的課程設有多於一個開辦分校,請選 擇最少2個分校志願) A maximum of 8 programmes with no more than • 1 Degree programme; • 3 Higher Diploma programmes; • 2 Diploma of Foundation Studies programme; • 2 Diploma of Vocational Education / Diploma programmes (Indicate at least 2 campus preferences for programmes with more than 1 offering campus) • 學士學位 • 高級文憑 • 基礎課程文憑 • 職專文憑 • 文憑 • Degree • Higher Diploma • Diploma of Foundation Studies • Diploma of Vocational Education • Diploma 登入VTC學生升學選科平台 / VTC中六入學申請平台 https://s6portal.vtc.edu.hk Login the VTC Articulation Portal / VTC S6 Admission Portal https://s6portal.vtc.edu.hk 備註: 1. 申請人於改選時段內更改現在已選的課程或開辦分校,其選科紀錄將以系統內最後更新的紀錄為準。 2. 如申請人於3月至4月期間已獲取「有條件取錄」,於遞交改選後即屬無效。 3. 申請人欲更改課程選擇,請盡早完成,以免因互聯網線路繁忙而有所延誤。 4. 申請人成功完成更新課程選擇後,應列印及保留申請紀錄。申請人亦應重新登入VTC學生升學選科平台 / VTC中六入學申請平台覆查及確保其課程選擇 已成功更新及儲存。 5. 遞交課程選擇前,請細閱本指南第26頁至第52頁有關課程的入學條件。 Notes 1. Please note that if you change the programme choice / offering campus during the re-selection period, application will be considered based on the latest information of programme choice in the VTC Articulation Portal / VTC S6 Admission Portal. 2. If applicants change the programme choice / offering campus during the re-selection period, the conditional offer(s) obtained in March to April will be voided. 3. If applicants wish to change the programme choice / offering campus, please submit the changes earlier to avoid heavy internet traffic near the deadline. 4. Applicants should print and keep the application record after updating the programme choices. Applicants are advised to login the VTC Articulation Portal / VTC S6 Admission Portal again to make sure their updates on programme choices are reflected. 5. Before submitting the choices, please refer to P. 26 to P. 52 of this Guide for the entrance requirements of programmes. 可選擇的課程數目 方法 課程類別 5月10日(星期五)上午9時 至 5月13日(星期一)下午5時 No. of Programme Choice(s) Method Programme Types 10 May (Friday) 9:00 a.m. to 13 May (Monday) 5:00 p.m.

23 選科策略資訊日2024 VTC將舉辦選科策略資訊日,讓申請人了解更多學士學位、高級文憑、基礎課程文憑、 職專文憑及文憑的課程選擇︰ 選科策略資訊日 日期︰5月11日(星期六) 時間︰下午1時至6時 地點:香港知專設計學院 精選活動 • 選科講座 • 家長講座 • 學科 / 課程講座 • 資訊攤位 • 體驗活動 / 展覽 / 示範 Programme selection information day will be held to provide applicants with more information on Degree, Higher Diploma, Diploma of Foundation Studies, Diploma of Vocational Education and Diploma programmes: Date: 11 May (Saturday) Time: 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Venue: HKDI Activity Highlights • Programme Selection Briefing •Parents Talk • Discipline / Programme Briefing •Information Booths •Experiential / Exhibitions / Demostrations Programme Selection Information Day 2024 有關最新及詳細的資料,請瀏覽 https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission

24 第一部份 Section 1 面試 •已遞交入學申請的申請人或會獲個別課程邀請參加面試。 • 申請人須於5月18日(星期六)上午11時或之後透過VTC學生升學選科平台 / VTC中六入學申請平台 (https://s6portal.vtc.edu.hk)查閱面試安排。 •申請人稍後會分批透過電郵收到有關面試安排。申請人須查核已填寫在VTC學生升學選科平台 / VTC中六入學申請平台的電郵地址正確無誤。 •Applicants who have submitted application may be invited to attend interview assessment of individual programme. •Applicants should check the interview arrangement via the VTC Articulation Portal / VTC S6 Admission Portal (https://s6portal.vtc.edu.hk) on 18 May (Saturday) from 11:00 a.m. onwards. •Interview arrangement will be sent to applicants via email afterwards by batches. Applicants should login to the VTC Articulation Portal / VTC S6 Admission Portal to verify their email address is correct. Interview Assessment 課程選擇及面試 Programme Selection and Interview

第二部份 Section 2 入學條件 Entrance Requirements

26 第二部份 入學條件 此部份詳述 2024/25 學年課程的入學條件及注意事項,申請人應細閱有關內容。 一般入學條件 • 香港中學文憑考試中國語文及英國語文成績達第三級或以上;及 數學和另一科選修科目成績達第二級或以上;及 公民與社會發展科取得「達標」;或 • 同等學歷 • 完成中六(新高中學制);或 • 同等學歷 高級文憑 請參閱 第28頁至第29頁 學士學位 相關應用學習科 目的成績 基礎課程 文憑 職專文憑 文憑 • 完成中六(新高中學制);或 • 同等學歷 • 完成中六(新高中學制);或 • 同等學歷 • 香港中學文憑考試五科成績達第二級或以上,包括中國語文及英國語文;或 • VTC 基礎課程文憑;或 • VTC 職專文憑 / 職專國際文憑;或 • 毅進文憑 / 應用教育文憑;或 •在本港或境外取得豐富的相關工作經驗及/ 或資歷( 例如經 「過往資歷認可」及學分累積及轉移機制作評估),並有能力接受副學位教 育;或 • 同等學歷 備註: 1. 學士學位及高級文憑課程的一般修讀期分別為4年及2年。 2. 基礎課程文憑及職專文憑課程的一般修讀期為1年。 3. 文憑課程(酒店及旅遊 / 中華廚藝 / 國際廚藝)的一般修讀期為1年或2年。 4. 香港中學文憑考試應用學習科目(乙類科目)取得「達標」/「達標並表現優異 (I)」/「達標並表現優異 (II)」的成績,於申請入學時會 被視為等同香港中學文憑考試科目成績達「第二級」/「第三級」/「第四級」;最多計算兩科應用學習科目(應用學習中文除外)。學 士學位課程考慮相關應用學習科目的成績。請參閱學士學位課程的特定入學條件。 5. 香港中學文憑考試其他語言科目(丙類科目)取得「D 或 E 級」/「C 級或以上」的成績,於申請入學時會被視為等同香港中學文憑考 試科目成績達「第二級」/「第三級」;只計算一科其他語言科目。 6. 香港中學文憑考試公民與社會發展科取得「達標」的成績,於申請入學時會被視為等同香港中學文憑考試科目成績達「第二級」。 7. (適用於學士學位課程)香港中學文憑考試通識教育科成績達第二級或以上,會被接受為符合公民與社會發展科的科目要求。 8. (適用於高級文憑課程)如五科香港中學文憑考試的其中一科為公民與社會發展科,一般入學條件為在該科取得「達標」成績,以及在 其他四個香港中學文憑考試科目(包括中國語文和英國語文)取得第二級或以上成績。另外,數學科延伸部分(單元一或單元二)第二級 或以上成績亦被接受為一般入學條件中的五科之一。如申請人同時持有單元一及單元二成績,於申請入學時只計算成績較佳的一個單 元。 9. 持中專教育文憑 / 職專文憑的畢業生(於2017/18學年或以前入讀的學生須完成指定升學單元)及毅進文憑 / 應用教育文憑畢業生,符 合報讀高級文憑課程的一般入學條件(設有特定入學條件的課程除外)。 10. 修畢職專國際文憑課程後,學生可按其 BTEC 及 IGCSE 成績,選擇繼續於職業訓練局升讀學士學位及高級文憑課程。申請人須留意 個別課程的特定入學條件。 11. 個別課程不適用於持有中專教育文憑 / 職專文憑 / 職專國際文憑及毅進文憑 / 應用教育文憑學歷的申請人報讀;此外,部分課程設 有特定入學條件。詳情請參閱個別課程的特定入學條件。 12. 申請人所遞交的工作經驗及 / 或資歷,會經有關學系作個別評核。 13. 合資格的申請能否被取錄需視乎申請人的學歷、工作經驗及 / 或資歷、面試表現(如適用)、其他學習經驗及成就以及課程學額供求情況。 學歷要求 課程的特定 入學條件 課程

27 Section 2 Entrance Requirements This section presents the entrance requirements and important notes of programmes to be offered in the academic year 2024/25. Applicants are advised to read this section carefully. General Entrance Requirements • Level 3 or above in HKDSE Chinese Language and English Language; AND Level 2 or above in Mathematics and one Elective Subject; AND an “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development; OR • Equivalent • Completion of Secondary 6 (under the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure); OR • Equivalent • Completion of Secondary 6 (under the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure); OR • Equivalent • Completion of Secondary 6 (under the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure); OR • Equivalent Higher Diploma Please refer to P.28 - P.29 Degree Results or relevant ApL subject(s) will be considered Diploma of Foundation Studies Diploma of Vocational Education Diploma • Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including Chinese Language and English Language; OR • VTC Diploma of Foundation Studies; OR • VTC Diploma of Vocational Education / Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate; OR • Diploma Yi Jin / Diploma of Applied Education; OR • Relevant and substantial work experience and/or prior qualification(s) obtained in or outside Hong Kong (e.g. assessed through recognition of prior learning and credit accumulation and transfer), with demonstrated ability to undertake sub-degree education; OR • Equivalent Remarks 1. The study duration of Degree and Higher Diploma programmes is normally 4 years and 2 years respectively. 2. The study duration of Diploma of Foundation Studies and Diploma of Vocational Education programmes is normally 1 year. 3. The study duration of Diploma programmes (Hotel and Tourism / Chinese Cuisine / International Cuisine) is normally 1 year or 2 years. 4. An “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)” in an HKDSE Applied Learning (ApL) subject (Category B subjects) are regarded as equivalent to an HKDSE subject at “Level 2”, “Level 3” and “Level 4” respectively, and a maximum of two ApL subjects (excluding ApL(C)) can be counted for admission purpose. The results of relevant ApL subjects will be considered in the application for Degree programmes. Please refer to the specific entrance requirements of Degree programmes. 5. A “Grade D or E” and a “Grade C or above” in an HKDSE Other Language subject (Category C subjects) are regarded as equivalent to an HKDSE subject at “Level 2” and “Level 3” respectively, and one Other Language subject can be counted for admission purpose. 6. An “Attained” in HKDSE Citizenship and Social Development is regarded as equivalent to an HKDSE subject at “Level 2” for admission purpose. 7. (Applicable to Degree programmes) HKDSE Liberal Studies at Level 2 or above will be recognised for meeting the subject requirement of Citizenship and Social Development. 8. (Applicable to Higher Diploma programmes) If one of the five HKDSE subjects is Citizenship and Social Development, the general entrance requirement would become “Attained” for Citizenship and Social Development and Level 2 or above in four other HKDSE subjects including Chinese Language and English Language. Besides, Level 2 or above in Mathematics Extended Part (Module 1 or Module 2) is also recognised as one of the five HKDSE subjects in fulfilling the general entrance requirement. If applicants have taken both Module 1 and Module 2, either one of the modules (with a higher level) will be counted for admission purpose. 9. Holders of Diploma in Vocational Education / Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) (students admitted to DVE in AY2017/18 or before are required to complete prescribed further studies modules) and holders of Yi Jin Diploma / Diploma Yi Jin / Diploma of Applied Education are considered having met the general entrance requirements of Higher Diploma programmes (not applicable to programmes with specific entrance requirement). 10. Upon completion of the Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate (DVB) programmes, students can progress to Degree or Higher Diploma programmes in VTC, subject to their BTEC and IGCSE results. Students shall pay attention to the specific entrance requirements of some Degree / Higher Diploma programmes. 11. Some programmes are not applicable to holders of Diploma in Vocational Education / Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) / Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate (DVB) / Yi Jin Diploma / Diploma Yi Jin / Diploma of Applied Education; and some programmes may have other specific entrance requirements. Please refer to the specific entrance requirements of individual programmes. 12. Applications with work experience and / or prior qualifications submitted will be assessed individually by the departments concerned. 13. Offering of study place is subject to the applicants’ academic qualifications, work experience and / or prior qualification, interview performance (if applicable), other learning experience and achievements, and availability of study places. Required Academic Qualifications Specific Entrance Requirements of Programmes Programmes