6 部份課程設有特定入學條件,請參閱第28頁至第29頁。 Some programmes stipulate specific entrance requirements for admission, please refer to P.28 to P.29. 1. 持中專教育文憑 / 職專文憑的畢業生(於2017/18學年或以前入讀的學生須完成指定升學單元)及毅進文憑 / 應用教育文憑畢業生,符 合報讀高級文憑課程的一般入學條件(設有特定入學條件的課程除外)。 Holders of Diploma in Vocational Education / Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) (students admitted to DVE in AY2017/18 or before are required to complete prescribed further studies modules) and holders of Yi Jin Diploma / Diploma Yi Jin / Diploma of Applied Education are considered having met the general entrance requirements of Higher Diploma programmes (not applicable to programmes with specific entrance requirements). 2. 學生完成酒店及旅遊學科之文憑課程後可升讀由學科提供的高級文憑課程。取錄與否需視乎申請人之相關英語能力資格及面試表 現。 Students who have successfully completed the Diploma programmes offered by the Hospitality Discipline may articulate to Higher Diploma programmes offered by the Discipline. Offering of study place is subject to the applicants’ relevant English language qualification and interview performance. 3. THEi高科院提供學位銜接課程予相關的高級文憑畢業生。 THEi admits graduates from relevant Higher Diploma programmes into the senior years of its D egree programmes. 4. 高級文憑畢業生可申請報讀SHAPE與海外大學協辦的學士學位銜接課程或由本地或海外大學開辦的學士學位課程。 Higher Diploma graduates can apply for admission to top-up Degree programmes offered by SHAPE in collaboration with overseas universities, or Degree programmes offered by local or overseas universities. 升學階梯 Progression Ladder 香港中學 文憑考試 HKDSE 22222 香港中學 文憑考試 HKDSE 332A2 學士學位課程 3 Degree Programmes 3 銜接學士學位課程 4 Top-up Degree Programmes 4 學士學位課程 4 Degree Programmes 4 級文憑課程 Higher Diploma Programmes 基礎課程文憑 Diploma of Foundation Studies Programme 職專文憑課程 1 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes1 文憑課程 2 Diploma Programmes 2 完成中六 Completion of S6