
Higher Diploma 高級文憑 45 入學條件 Entrance Requirements * 課程設有特定入學條件,詳情請參閱第28頁至第29頁。 Please refer to P. 28 to P. 29 for programmes with specific entrance requirements. ∆ 2023入學分數即2023年度獲取錄學生於香港中學文憑考試中最佳五科成績(包括英國語文及中國語文)的分數。分數只供參考。(分數對應為:5**=7 分;5*=6分;5=5分;4=4分;3=3分;2=2分;1=1分) Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including English Language and Chinese Language of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. (Scoring scale: 5**=7 points; 5*=6 points; 5=5 points; 4=4 points; 3=3 points; 2=2 points; 1=1 point) i 跨學科協作課程。此課程由酒店及旅遊學科與設計學科合辦。 Programme with interdisciplinary collaboration. The programme is jointly offered by the Hospitality and Design disciplines. ii 跨學科協作課程。此課程由酒店及旅遊學科、設計學科及資訊科技學科合辦。 Programme with interdisciplinary collaboration. The programme is jointly offered by Hospitality, Design and Information Technology disciplines. # 上課及訓練地點包括香港知專設計學院及IVE(柴灣)。 Class and training venues include HKDI and IVE (Chai Wan). 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽 https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission 酒店及旅遊 Hospitality IVE(HW) IVE(HW) IVE(HW) IVE(HW) IVE(CW) IVE(CW)# IVE(CW) IVE(CW) 50 70 80 155 50 25 25 13 12 13 12 10 - 15 10 - 16 10 - 14 10 - 17 12 HT114101 酒店及餐飲業管理 Hotel and Catering Management HT114105* 運動教練學 Sports Coaching HT114110ii* 運動學及智能科技 Sports Studies with Smart Technology HT114107 機場營運管理 Airport Operations Management HT114103 康體文娛管理 Leisure Management IVE(CW) IVE(HW) IVE(HW) 25 50 50 11 13 13 13 11 10 - 15 10 - 14 HT114109i 國際酒店管理及智能服務 International Hotel Management with Smart Service HT114108 國際款待業管理 (酒店、旅遊及康樂) International Hospitality and Tourism Management HT114107K 機場營運管理 (授課語言:中文(普通話)) Airport Operations Management (Medium of Instruction: Chinese (Putonghua)) HT114102 旅遊及會議展覽 Tourism and MICE 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 高級文憑課程編號及名稱 Higher Diploma Programme Code & Title 開辦分校 Offering Campus(es) 預算學額 Planned Places 2023入學分數∆ Admission Score∆ (只供參考 For Reference) 平均成績 Average Result 分數範圍 Score Range