•學生宿舍 Residence Place 宿舍房間為雙人間,四人為一個獨立單位。每個 單位內設有獨立洗手間、浴室及空調。宿生會 獲分配獨立的單人床、書枱和衣櫃。宿舍設備齊 全,包括有共用空間、多用途房間、電視機、茶 水間、微波爐、洗衣機及乾衣機等。宿舍鄰近超 市和餐廳,配套齊全。 A standard suite has two bedrooms, and each bedroom can accommodate 2 persons. Each suite of accommodation can accommodate 4 residents. Same suite will share a set of washroom, bathroom and air-conditioner. A single bed, writing desk and wardrobe will be provided to each of the residents. Halls facilities include common areas, multipurpose rooms, televisions, pantries, microwave ovens, washing machines and dryers, etc. There are supermarkets and restaurants near the Halls for daily needs. •宿費 Halls Fee 學生在讀期間可申請職業訓練局學生舍堂宿 位。2024/25學年全期宿位費為港幣$18,000(10個 月)。2025/26學年的宿費將會有所調整,請留意相 關公佈。 Students can apply Halls during their study period. For Halls fee in AY2024/25, HK$18,000 (for 10 months). Please stay tuned to announcements for the latest Halls arrangement of AY2025/26. 75