
第二部份 Section 2 34 入學條件 Entrance Requirements 酒店餐飲及工商管理學系 Department of Hospitality and Business Management THEi 上課地點 Venue: THEi(柴灣)# THEi(Chai Wan) # THEi 上課地點 Venue: THEi(柴灣)# THEi(Chai Wan) # THEi 上課地點 Venue: THEi(柴灣)@ THEi(Chai Wan) @ THEi 上課地點 Venue: THEi(柴灣)@ THEi(Chai Wan) @ 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 17 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 15 - 19 不適用 N/A MH125104 酒店營運管理(榮譽)文學士 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Hotel Operations Management SF MH125108 公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Public Relations and International Events Management SF MH125109 酒店營運管理(榮譽)文學士 (授課語言: 中文(普通話)) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Hotel Operations Management (Medium of Instruction: Chinese (Putonghua)) SF MH125110 公共關係及國際項目管理(榮譽)文學士 (授課語言:中文(普通話)) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Public Relations and International Events Management (Medium of Instruction: Chinese (Putonghua)) SF ∆ 2023入學分數即2023年度獲取錄學生於香港中學文憑考試中最佳五科成績(包括英國語文、中國語文、數學、通識教育及一科選修科目)的分數。分數 只供參考。(分數對應為: 5**=7分;5*=6分;5=5分;4=4分;3=3分;2=2分;1=1分) Admission score in 2023 refers to score of the best 5 HKDSE subjects, including English Language, Chinese Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies, and one elective subject of admitted students in 2023. For reference only. # 核心單元上課地點在THEi(柴灣),部分通識單元上課地點在其他分校。 Core modules would be conducted at THEi (Chai Wan) and some General Education (GE) modules at other campuses. @ 核心單元上課地點在THEi(柴灣),部分通識單元上課地點在THEi(青衣)。 Core modules would be conducted at THEi (Chai Wan) and some General Education (GE) modules at THEi(TY). 自資課程 Self-financed programme 有關最新及詳細的課程資料,請瀏覽 https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission For the latest and comprehensive information of the programmes, please visit https://www.vtc.edu.hk/admission SF 學士學位課程編號及名稱 Degree Programme Code & Title 開辦院校 Offering Institute 2023入學分數∆ Admission Score∆ (只供參考 For Reference) 平均成績 Average Result 分數範圍 Score Range