Page 17 - 職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2016/2017
P. 17

Six fulfilling years                                                         ʬϋঁঀ ΍ᛟϓ؈

          Year 2017 is a special one for both the   I would like to thank my fellow council   2017 年對 VTC 和我都別具意義,這年既
          VTC and me; it marks 35 years of the   members, senior management team and   是 VTC 35 周年,也是我擔任 VTC 主席最後
          establishment of the VTC; and my final year   the whole VTC family for their tireless   一年。我很榮幸自 1989 年起為 VTC 理事會
          as VTC Chairman. It has been an honour   efforts, dedication and contribution to giving   及訓練委員會服務,並於 2012 年開始出任
          and a privilege to serve as Chairman of the   the VTC the status it has today. I also want   VTC 主席。
          VTC since 2012 and to have contributed to   to thank the Government, our industry   擔任主席六年以來,VTC 接踵而至的成果與
          the VTC Council and Training Boards since   partners and other stakeholders without   突破,令我深感驕傲。我們共同肩負使命,
          1989.                                 whose strong support this success would   在培育專業人才上,日益精進,令 VTC 站在
                                                not have been possible.                職業專才教育領域的前列。
          The six years of my Chairmanship have                                        VTC 今天的成就,全賴各理事會成員、管理
          been fulfilling ones, and I am proud of the   I know the VTC will continue working side-  層及全體員工孜孜不倦,盡心盡力,我在此
          VTC’s many successes and achievements   by-side with you all to aspire to still greater   致以由衷感激。我亦要感謝政府、業界伙伴
          over this period. Together, we have made   peaks of excellence, aiming to be seen   及各持份者,沒有你們的鼎力支持,VTC 便
          valuable progress in our mission of   as a pioneer of VPET that can influence   沒有今天的成果。
          nurturing talented people and elevated the   economic development in Hong Kong, the   我深信 VTC 會繼續與各位同心同進,力求突
          VTC to a place of prominence in the VPET   region and beyond.                破,引領職業專才教育闊步往前,推動香港
          sector.                                                                      及區內外的經濟發展。
                                                In the days to come, I shall continue to
                                                watch the VTC’s development, and wish it   在往後日子, 我會繼續關注 VTC 的發展,
                                                continued success. Keep up the good work!   期望 VTC 繼往開來,再創輝煌!

                                                Dr Clement CHEN Cheng-jen, SBS, JP     ˴ࢩ
                                                Chairman                               ௓ᕄʠ௹ɻ , SBS, JP

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